


2022年6月7日,星期二 - 上午7:00

活动:IWBI |工作场所健康


IWBI’s Signature Interview Series: Jack Noonan, IWBI Vice President, Asia Pacific, sits down with Peter Simpson, Global Head Safety & Security, Hosanna Elarmo – Sacdalan, Head of Health, Safety & Well-being for Asia, at Standard Chartered Bank to look into the bank’s journey of applying well-being at the global scale to make health, safety and well-being accessible to all – regardless of geographic or socioeconomic disparities


健康安全的评级是针对设施运营和管理的循证评级,代表了IWBI的Well Building Standard(Well)中可用的一百多种策略的子集。井生态系统的健康安全评级和其他计划现在正在110个国家 /地区工作,在35亿平方英尺的房地产中应用,影响了全球估计有1500万人的健康和福祉。全球组织领先的框架,以大规模运用健康,安全和福祉策略,将最佳实践公平地带入所有市场,并使所有员工和客户都能获得健康成果,无论他们在哪个市场中。

标准特许银行是全球领先的金融机构之一,它利用健康安全的评级来优先考虑欧洲,北美,亚洲,非洲和中东45个地点的健康,安全和福祉。A close look at Standard Chartered’s journey to achieving health and well-being for its global workforce illustrates how a multinational organization used the WELL framework as a roadmap to welcome people back to the office in a more equitable way and communicate to stakeholders at all levels with clarity and confidence. Now the company has committed to expanding its application of WELL strategies to over 100 locations in 42 countries as next steps.

IWBI’s Jack Noonan, Vice President, Asia Pacific, sits down with Peter Simpson, Global Head Safety & Security and Hosanna Elarmo – Sacdalan, Head of Health, Safety & Well-being for Asia, at Standard Chartered Bank to explore how this global institution recognized leading standards, validated its best practices and is shifting behavior toward a culture of well-being.


答:在许多方面,评级中包含的策略与我们已经实现的策略相当。但是,应用评级确实有助于证明我们的设施管理和财产团队甚至在Covid之前一直在做的一项良好工作 - 19-但在大流行期间绝对更是如此。这个过程帮助我们组织起来,并在最佳实践方面做更多的事情,因此我们现在可以向员工和客户证明我们的策略达到或超过了全球采用的标准,即健康安全的评级。



在标准特许银行,我们的员工是我们最大的资产,他们的健康和安全是我们的首席执行官和领导层的首要考虑。To be able to give them something that they can easily communicate to employees that we are WELL Health-Safety Rated, and it’s safe for you to come back to the office and we encourage you to come back, it’s been effective communication flowing in our countries, and it’s just been so good to see it flow. The fact that we got the rating across many of our markets and being able to communicate to our country CEO’s and top leadership, something succinct and easy to understand, without questions, that was a win for us.

答:全球标准化是标准宪章的重要性。It’s one thing to be WELL rated in the New York or London headquarters since they are generally perceived to be almost there with or without a seal on the door, but it’s another thing to show that the standard we apply in Singapore or London or New York or Hong Kong is also the same health and safety standard we apply in our smaller markets, some of our more developing countries where health and safety can be quite a challenge. With the WELL rating, we wanted to make sure that our offices in Singapore and Sierra Leone, or London and Lagos are treated the same. We want to make sure that they’ve all got the same level of care and WELL Health-Safety Rating helps us demonstrate that. That syncs with other great things we’re doing in terms of diversity, equity, inclusion, and environment.



答:展望未来,我们对在投资组合级别进行大规模实施的机会感到非常兴奋。这至少可以扩展到我们的前100个地点,甚至更多。清楚的证明我们关心我们的员工和客户。We will be working with our Property and Project teams and be able to tell them: guys, with WELL at Scale, we can continue with the WELL Health-Safety Rating but also start including some of the work that we’re doing around sustainability, diversity and inclusion so that we can demonstrate a continuous improvement in WELL. We’re going to be looking at our WELL scores and working on how we can improve and do better. That’s what our future looks like.

