

(3去年可比我们纽约- 1金博宝手机版网页0月20日,2010年11月18日在纽约,社会变革的基础和联合国合作办公室(UNOP)将识别砧针织品的最高领导人的变化改变社会的可持续性类别在全球会议上:将社会责任转化为社会行动。金博宝怎么注册

该奖项旨在表彰铁砧,可持续服装的主要制造商,作为一个有远见的和鼓舞人心的领导者,通过其行动,例证了创造力和创新可以结合来解决社会问题。“砧针织品荣幸被公认为是一个变化在这样一个鼓舞人心的领袖群组织,说安东尼•Corsano砧针织品的首席执行官。“我们正在不断寻求新的方式,通过我们的生态产品或活动是否喜欢跟踪我的T,营造一种文化,在这种文化中,社会和环境行动的思想为我们的员工、客户和消费者。我们期待进一步移动针在未来数月乃至数年和工作与社会变革的基础和其他组织在这个重要任务。”Anvil's commitment to sustainability is comprised of three pillars: environmental, social and product. In recent years, the company has rolled out 17 industry-leading, affordable eco styles, made from a variety of fibers including certified organic cotton, transitional cotton, recycled cotton and recycled PET bottles in addition to its more than 100 traditional styles that are all manufactured using responsible practices. Anvil's organic products are part of its larger commitment to growing the acreage of U.S. organic cotton; the company is currently the largest buyer of U.S. — grown organic cotton according to Organic Exchange. The company has also been instrumental in educating consumers on how to reduce their individual environmental footprint through smarter purchasing decisions. During the conference, Anvil will screen a provocative digital short, released in earlier this month, titled消息从地球:有机物突出了有机棉的环境效益,鼓励消费者和农民——支持有机农业。此外,砧的TrackMyT是一个互动的网站,记录并给生活带来完整的旅程和一件t恤的环境影响,从棉籽到消费者,允许用户与铁砧的产品背后的农民。“企业参与是至关重要的国际社会的努力减轻贫困,确保干净的水,和帮助缺医少药人群意识到健康生活,”阿米尔挂布说,U188bet网址怎么打不开NOP执行主任。“我们想认识到创意、技术和资源,砧和其他获奖者带来我们共同努力在解决社会问题。”At the conference, Corsano will discuss the company's commitment to growing the organic cotton industry, moderating a panel comprised of representatives from Disney and the Texas Organic Cotton Marketing Cooperative. Anvil and other honorees, which include Coca-Cola, Nike, Calvert Investments, Groupo Santander Bank Brazil, Ceres, Interface, Dow Chemical, Groupe Danone, Stonyfield Farm and Reebok, have all agreed to meet the UN Millennium Development Goals by 2015. A committee consisting of representatives from United Nations, World Economic Forum, Grameen Creative Lab, NYU Stern School of Business, and the Foundation for Social Change chose the Leaders of Change awardees. About Anvil Knitwear Anvil Knitwear, Inc., a socially and environmentally responsible manufacturer of sportswear and accessories, is a leader in the sustainable apparel industry with its AnvilOrganic®, AnvilRecycled™ and AnvilSustainable™ brands. Anvil was recently ranked the world's sixth-largest organic program and the largest domestic purchaser of U.S.-grown certified organic cotton. Anvil offers 17 affordable eco styles made from a variety of fibers such as certified organic cotton, transitional cotton, recycled cotton, and recycled PET bottles and blends in addition to its over 100 traditional styles. For more information, please visitwww.anvilknitwear.comwww.anvil金博宝手机版网页csr.com。对社会变革的基础的基础社会变革的使命是教育高管和商界领袖,社会创新-社会行动有利于他们的底线和解决重要的社会问题。我们的教育项目和协作平台展示社会行动优于传统企业责任提供三重底线的回报:社会。环境。金融。FSC这是否通过“社会变革领导力”高管教育课程主要大学在世界各地,包括纽约大学、牛津大学,和许多其他人。此外,它的领导人召开商业部门,非营利组织和政府交流思想,分享最佳实践和展示成功的社会行动计划,和事件等社会变革的全球会议上展示良好的工作的例子。