全球食品安全计划指导委员会会议to Share Progress in Advancing Food Safety Best Practice

全球食品安全计划指导委员会会议to Share Progress in Advancing Food Safety Best Practice



活动:Global Food Safety Initiative

CONTENT: Press Release

  • GFSI Steerco开会以分享竞赛的进度,到顶级框架,基准测试要求,治理结构,能力建设以及政府到商业论坛
  • GFSI通过证明透明的方法将周年纪念日标记为消费品论坛的行动联盟

PARIS and BARCELONA, Spain, March 28, 2022 /3BL Media/ - TheGlobal Food Safety Initiative(GFSI) will today conclude a three-day Steering Committee meeting examining the organisation’s progress over the last year as a Coalition of Action of The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF). The Coalition represents the food industry’s commitment to food safety and its 22 Steering Committee members are focused on building the governance system’s rigour while increasing transparency for members.



  • 更新竞赛到顶级框架进步
  • 持续吸收GFSI基准测试要求的建议
  • GFSI治理规则的最新修订和更新
  • 向指导委员会申请
  • 将政府介绍给商业参与计划和进步

The Coalition is building on GFSI’s 21 years of experience in helping to raise the food safety bar globally. Their ambition is to strengthen and harmonise food safety systems and develop markets that can deliver food safely, no matter where in the world the consumer is.

消费品论坛董事总经理Wai-chan Chan说,“ CGF董事会的雄心很清楚,可以进一步推动变化。观看GFSI行动联盟的增长是很有意义的,我们已经目睹了模型和对协作和透明度的承诺如何有助于塑造我们行业的食品安全。”

While many individual companies and organisations share a similar goal, GFSI’s focus is on enabling the extensive collaboration that is so critical to safe food – involving food retailers and manufacturers, but also suppliers, the agriculture industry, academics, governments and many other stakeholders across the world.


  • 芭芭拉大师,泰森食品
  • Cliona Murphy,百事可乐
  • 大卫·拉斯穆森(David Rasmussen),卡夫·海因兹(Kraft Heinz)
  • Howard Popoola, The Kroger Co.
  • 雨果·伯恩斯(Hugo Byrnes),阿尔霍尔德·德里兹
  • Kazuaki Miyagishima,Aeon
  • 马克·弗莱林(Mark Fryling),通用磨坊
  • 迈克尔·麦克唐纳(Michael McDonald),火星,成立
  • 莫妮克·佩莱格里诺(Monique Pellegrino),达能
  • Natalie Dyenson, Dole Food Company
  • 纳塔利亚·索默(Natalia Sommer)
  • Natasha Matyasova, Nestlé
  • Nelum Vithana,嘉吉
  • Pierre de Ginestel, Auchan
  • Ray Bowe, Musgrave
  • Roy Kirby, Mondelēz International
  • Sara Mortimore, Walmart
  • 肖恩·莱顿(Sean Leighton),嘉吉
  • 汤姆·威斯特(Tom Wiester),星巴克
  • Tracy Burton, Unilever
  • Vaneska Mattos, Loblaw Companies Limited
  • 可口可乐公司Zoltan Syposs

GFSI将继续审查新申请,以日常加入指导委员会,欢迎消费品论坛的零售和制造成员申请成为这一令人兴奋的一部分CGF Coalition of Actionon Food Safety.

霍华德·波普拉(Howard Popoola),克罗格公司(Kroger Company)公司食品技术和监管合规副总裁,GFSI指导委员会的联合主席,他说,"We believe the right to safe food is a basic human right, but we cannot deliver this alone. Collective action and engagement across the entire supply chain is critical, so we welcome those who wish to engage and partner with the global GFSI Community to support food safety advancements. We are looking forward to all being together again this week at the GFSI Conference as we mark one year since the establishment of the Coalition of Action.

Myself and my peers on the Steering Committee are proud of the work GFSI has achieved and the growing trust and influence of the GFSI brand. My priority remains to co-lead with transparency and continued collaboration with the expert leadership team, whilst implementing the Race to the Top Framework to help drive continuous improvements in the food safety system."

MondelēzInternational的食品安全和毒理学微生物学,食品安全和毒理学的前全球总监Roy Kirby,GFSI指导委员会的联合主席,他说,说,“As a team, we are promoting collaboration as the way forward to improve safe food everywhere. We've come a long way in the last year and given the challenges we have faced it’s a real tribute to all who work in the area of food safety.


Erica Sheward, GFSI Director at The Consumer Goods Forum, said,“The global GFSI Community will continue to be a powerful group in supporting food safety advancements and we look forward to coming together this week at the GFSI Conference to reflect on all that we have learned and to catalyse even greater collective action.”

-- ENDS --

有关更多信息,请联系:Natalie Cush /nataliecush@foster.co.uk/ 07990606623


  • The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI; the Coalition) is a CEO-led Coalition of Action from The Consumer Goods Forum, bringing together 37 retailers and manufacturers and an extended food safety community to help oversee food safety standards for businesses and help provide access to safe food for people everywhere.
  • As one of the world’s largest networks to help achieve safe food, GFSI is committed to making food safety everyone’s business and the Coalition members are addressing challenges facing food safety systems in their supply chains and the markets they operate in and are helping to raise the food safety bar globally.
  • Its ambition is to strengthen and harmonise food safety systems so they are able to feed the growing, global population and develop markets that can deliver food safely, no matter where in the world the consumer is.
  • 要了解更多信息,请访问www.mygfsi.com.


  • 消费品论坛(“ CGF”)是一个基于全球的,基于平价的行业网络,其成员驱动着鼓励全球采用为全球消费品行业提供服务的实践和标准。
  • 它汇集了大约400家零售商,制造商,服务提供商以及70个国家的其他利益相关者的首席执行官和高级管理人员,并反映了该行业在地理,规模,产品类别和格式方面的多样性。
  • 其成员公司的销售额合计为46万亿欧元,直接雇用了近1000万人,沿着价值链估计了另外9000万个相关工作。
  • 它受董事会的管辖,该董事会由55多个制造商和零售商首席执行官组成。
