Global Warming vs. Climate Change: Their History and Their Differences

Global Warming vs. Climate Change: Their History and Their Differences

作者:John A. Lanier
Chalkboard reading,


While similar and often used interchangeably, “global warming” and “climate change” do have distinct meanings. Understanding the differences starts with climate science and its interesting history. Filled with scientists from centuries ago who first documented the potential for the climate changes we are experiencing today, we can see the origins of the phrases global warming and climate change.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022 - 9:30am



It’s funny to think about where an idea comes from. In moments of inspiration and creativity, sometimes people spontaneously come up with something new. Other times, we form distinctive memories about the first time we encounter an idea. For instance, I distinctly remember being in an introductory accounting class in college when I first learned that every shampoo brand at a grocery store has essentially the same listed ingredients. Why was I learning that in an accounting class, you ask? That’s a really good question, and I have no idea.

Then other times, maybe even most of the time, we don’t know where the ideas in our head first came from. I don’t know when I first thought, “Star Wars is awesome!” I don’t know when I first heard the expression, “Don’t let the tail wag the dog.”




That last one is something I’ve long heard, and really had no reason to doubt. Recently though, I was curious about the origins of these phrases. So I hopped on the digital research bus known as Google and took a trip along climate change history lane. (That, I am quite certain, is a sentence that no human has ever constructed before.)

One source I found was aBBC文章with bullet points of the noteworthy moments in this historical genre. A few things stand out. First, it’s remarkable to me just how long we’ve known about the greenhouse effect, whereby certain heat-trapping gases in our atmosphere retain some of the energy that is radiated out from the earth’s surface. It’s an effect that was first observed by约瑟夫·傅里耶(Joseph Fourier)1824年。

第二,是在1896年Svante Arrhenius从瑞典开始,首先预测燃烧的煤炭将增强温室效应。诚然,他认为当时这将是一件好事,预计将需要一个较温暖的星球来养活不断增长的人口。他错过了这个标记,但是当涉及到人为全球变暖的可能性时,他完全钉住了标记。那是一个多世纪以前!

脱颖而出的第三件事是省略一位特定的气候科学家。尽管BBC文章表明约翰·廷德尔(John Tyndall)was the first scientist to prove the link between carbon dioxide and the greenhouse effect in 1861 (though his Wikipedia entry states the year was 1859), I think a woman deserves that acclaim. In 1856,Eunice Newton Footepublished her research showing that carbon dioxide was an effective gas for trapping heat. She was a heck of a scientist, and it’s unfortunate that she is unheralded for her contributions in this field.

Climate Change vs. Global Warming: Where the Phrases Originated

Now let’s get toclimate changeand global warming. In 1957, the oceanographer罗杰·雷维尔(Roger Revelle)正在对海洋吸收二氧化碳吸收多少的研究。他和他的同事们发现,吸收率很高,但也警告说,这种吸收率可能会发生变化,并且很快就会放大温室效应。用他们的话来说,“人类现在正在进行大规模的地球物理实验,这种实验在过去也不发生,也不会在将来复制。”他与印第安纳州《哈蒙德时报》的一位记者分享了他的作品,后者随后写道,罗维尔警告“大规模的全球变暖”。从所有外观上看,这是该术语的首次书面使用。

Then in 1975, global warming appeared in the title of an influential scientific paper.Wallace Broecker, a professor at Columbia University, published a paper titled “气候变化:我们是否处于明显的全球变暖的边缘?”这似乎是气候科学家开始广泛使用该术语的拐点,特别是指变暖趋势,即预计大气中会导致更多的温室气体。我发现有趣的是同一论文中“气候变化”的相关用途。这至少表明,这种气候变化不是同一科学界的既定术语。188bet网址怎么打不开根据这篇NASA文章,经常使用“无意中气候修改”一词。

据我所知,气候变化作为一句话,在1979年的论文中获得了首次科学用途。二氧化碳和气候:科学评估。”从该论文的前言中 - “如果二氧化碳继续增加,研究小组没有理由怀疑会导致气候变化,也没有理由相信这些变化可以忽略不计。”然后,在1988年,这句话达到了很多时间。那是一年Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change成立。


The history of this field shows clearly that both terms have been in the scientific lexicon for decades. There was no sudden switch from one to another, and any suggestion that climate change was meant to replace a politicized global warming is not supported by evidence. That idea that was stuck in my head, and which might have been stuck in yours too, is wrong.

那么,气候变化与全球变暖之间的区别是什么?我认为美国宇航局做得很好in describing it. Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet, while climate change is the broader range of changes that are happening to our planet as a result of more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as stronger hurricanes and other severe weather events. As they note, climate change is the broader term that encompasses global warming. It reminds me of something I’m currently teaching my children - “all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.” Global warming is a climate change, but not all climate changes are the warming of our planet.

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