GoDaddy Open: A Recap From Our Evening in Baltimore
Originally published on GoDaddy Newsroom
Powerful. Uplifting. Encouraging. Incredible. These, among many others, are words I would use to describe the GoDaddy Open event in Baltimore. AtGoDaddy,我们将自己描述为赋予企业家权力的公司,但是在这次活动之后,我想说那些企业家是赋予我们权力的企业家。
当2022年10月19日下午到达时,我们的团队在Godaddy,以及我们的当地伙伴,冲击枢纽巴尔的摩准备在历史悠久的Stavros Niarchos Parkway剧院接待近300名与会者。我们的集体目标是通过主旨,教育会议以及微生物与我们的Godaddy指南交谈的能力,庆祝,提高技能和激发巴尔的摩地区在巴尔的摩地区的企业家,企业家和微生物。
我很荣幸开始与摩根州立大学的Golshan Javadian博士学位展示活动。我花了一部分,强调了微生物不仅对我们的国家,而且对巴尔的摩社区产生的令人难以置信的影响。188bet网址怎么打不开我分享了Godaddy的Venture Forward Research Initiative的见解,例如巴尔的摩微量企业主对他们的业务很乐观,许多事实(84%) would like to grow the size of their business. Golshan then offered insights from the Empower Baltimore participants, including their strengths, challenges, and more.Empower by GoDaddy是我们的全球社会影响计划,它使服务不足社区的企业家将培训,工具和同行网络与他们的旅程加速。
“他改变了我的生活 - 他告诉我,我让别人选择我的声音,他告诉我,这是我的事,我决定了我的声音。”
With quotes like that, it’s no surprise that our Guides were busy throughout the evening.
我也与Baltimore Mayor Brandon M. Scott作为讨论关键举措的最后一个主题演讲,他和他的团队正在巴尔的摩(Baltimore)进行,以帮助人们开始和维护小型企业,包括改革政策和立法,这些政策和立法历来造成了创业的障碍。在我在Godaddy的期间,我与全国城镇的市长进行了交谈,在与市长斯科特(Scott)度过了一段时间之后,很明显,他关心自己的城市和讲话时,那个房间里的每个人都在听。我渴望见证他的政治生涯将他带到哪里。在离开舞台之前,斯科特市长认识到戈达迪·巴尔的摩计划的授权毕业生。
当晚以我认为是最好的方式之一结束,对巴尔的摩市的希望和自豪感。Godaddy团队放映了新发布的季节美国制造。Made in America is GoDaddy’s award-winning episodic YouTube docuseries that tells the inspiring stories of entrepreneurs beating the odds. The series followed two Empower by GoDaddy Baltimore graduates, Susan Clayton, owner ofWhitepaws Runmitts以及April和Tyron Harper,所有者竖琴视觉。We watched their journeys including the ups, downs and obstacles they overcame. Their stories and the story of the City of Baltimore were powerful. Through applause, cheers and tears, the audience was captivated.
As I said, many of us left this event feeling empowered by the entrepreneurs we met and felt a sense of excitement that ‘wow, we get to work with these amazing microbusinesses every day.’ I’ll leave you with this quote from our partner, Bakari Jones at Impact Hub, as I think it truly encapsulates what our team was hoping to achieve from this event.