Godaddy的飞行员您授权队列证明了一对一的力量e Personalized Coaching for Entrepreneurs

12月29日,2022年10:00 AM ET ET

Leveraging its deep expertise as the world’s largest services platform for entrepreneurs around the globe,GoDaddy Inc.’sYou授权飞行员队列证明了渴望增强其小型企业的数字业务和品牌的企业家一对一的个性化教练的力量。

Godaddy您的授权是一个为12周的,基于技能的全职员工志愿者任务,员工与员工配对授权by GoDaddy非营利社区合作伙伴。188bet网址怎么打不开飞行员的目的是为Godaddy员工提供丰富的专业发展经验,同时通过Godaddy计划在Empower中提供急需的额外数字支持和培训。开发网站创建和数字业务的技能以及其他关键营销,社交媒体和品牌工具对于大多数参与的企业家来说都是核心优先事项。

授权by GoDaddy is the company’s signature social impact program that provides entrepreneurs from underserved communities with digital tools, training, and resources to accelerate their small business journeys. Together with its nonprofit partners, Empower by GoDaddy works to understand local communities and the small business landscape to identify gaps and develop customized, neighborhood-based programs to support entrepreneurs at all phases.

Godaddy的Empower开发了您的能力,可以作为12周的飞行员,其中三名Godaddy员工与Godaddy非营利合作伙伴(实际上和亲自的人)合作。最初的计划合作伙伴包括Impact Hub Baltimore,,,,西南太平洋地区更好的商业局阿拉巴马州阿拉巴马州立大学阿拉巴马州小型企业发展中心(SBDC)

At the conclusion of the pilot cohort, Empower by GoDaddy’s nonprofit partners reported that the one-on-one attention, deep expertise and highly encouraging and personable support of the GoDaddy volunteer coaches propelled participating entrepreneurs’ website content, strategy and operations forward. Feedback also indicated that the trusted, caring relationships fostered through the coaches’ individualized, constructive guidance, and accountability drove the entrepreneurs to successfully create or update their websites and build stronger marketing and digital efforts.

“起初,大多数企业家都被吓倒了,”您授权志愿者的Godaddy Mesha McMiller解释说。“无论是通过推动产品购买,安排约会等,企业家都希望转换更多客户,因此我们帮助他们拨入目标,并到达他们想要的位置。”

All three GoDaddy You Empower volunteers were asked to keep journals reflecting on their personal and professional experiences throughout the 12 weeks and were interviewed at the completion of the program. Their reflections included:

“Over the course of several years, I have accumulated a wealth of knowledge that has enabled me to successfully connect customers with the right product to meet their needs in the way of websites, digital media and server technology. You Empower allowed me to take those interactions further. I was able to not only connect with the entrepreneurs in a personal way but could also act as a sounding board and coach as they published and revamped their websites, began using social media pages, or set in motion plans to expand their online audience. The entrepreneurs highly valued the coaching we provided and were eager to learn and finally present their work. The experience was deeply satisfying and empowering. I cannot wait to see how the You Empower program evolves and affects not only the entrepreneurs we serve but also other employees here at GoDaddy.”- Godaddy网站专家II的Mesha McMiller II

“您使我能够与我一直与之建立联系的人一起在地面上工作 - 小型企业对他们的社区产生影响。188bet网址怎么打不开通过亲自认识他们并以他们的第一次在线胜利看到他们 - 我多年来一直在与Godaddy所做的事情终于点击了。这就是为什么我热爱自己的工作和每天与我互动的人。我对这个机会不太感激,迫不及待地想看到该计划成长以帮助他人感觉同样的事情。”– Cody Mahaffey, GoDaddy Marketing Services Account Manager III

“This experience afforded me the opportunity to see things I would have never seen [being in Alabama]. The program gave me an understanding of who I am – the uniqueness of who I am. I now approach my work with even more conviction. I can help anyone lean in more and stretch.”– Desmond Sweet, GoDaddy Learning Program Manager

For other companies seeking to build full-time, skills-based employee volunteer assignments with their community partners, GoDaddy offers the following key insights from its You Empower pilot:

  • Be highly intentional around the community partners you choose通过定义明确的标准,审查合作伙伴和进行现场访问来处理。至关重要的是要确保合作伙伴能够对公司合作伙伴及其组织的明确期望交付。
  • Create and implement an engaging and thorough upfront training program对于员工,包括用于支持志愿者教练和交货的工具的概述;非营利合作伙伴和球员的背景;以及有关社区和参与者的见解。188bet网址怎么打不开
  • 不要低估面对面时间的重要性使经验对员工,计划参与者和非营利合作伙伴有意义和影响力。
  • Believe in the importance of testing and learning并接受一种“向前迈进”或通过无恐惧而学习的心态,只有帮助您实现社会影响计划的使命和业务目标。

Godaddy员工敬业度负责人April Skeete说:“我很高兴Godaddy企业家获得了数百种授权,他们收到了他们寻求的其他技能建设和指导。”“我为Godaddy的忠诚是多么自豪,无论企业家的情况或背景如何,在持续的支持下,在整个旅程中真正为企业家真正地在那里。这些努力确实表明了Godaddy如何实现其使得所有人更具包容性的使命。”

Godaddy Spotlight系列的Empower:通过与世界各地的各种当地非营利组织合作,Godaddy的Empower旨在通过提供技能培训,资源和指导来帮助他们加速其商业旅行,以实现原本没有访问权限的人。本文是Godaddy Spotlight系列的Empower的一部分,它阐明了使这项独特倡议成为可能的个人。