
运动: 开绿化


Hearne Walker的嘉宾插播 异位专家



One of my friends invited me over to her home one evening, to hang out with her and her infant daughter.  She wanted to show me something that she was using on her daughter—you guessed it—cloth diapers.  I politely accepted the invitation to simply observe her new way of life.  To my surprise however, my eyes were opened to a new way of thinking.  When most people think of cloth diapering, the first image that comes to their head is huge safety pins and plastic underwear.  It's almost a scary thought.  You would be amazed at how much this product, and the businesses that sell them, have changed over the years.  My friend showed me her "stash" of diapers and how easy the process really is.  She even let me borrow a few of them, and I was instantly hooked.  When I later ordered my diapers, I was scrambling for those liners the sweet woman bought me so long ago.  I sure was eating my words/feelings/hormones!

首大加布尿布成本计算 。根据网站显示,购买可支配尿布成本约为2600美元或以上diper决策.  I personally bought 24 brand new, one-size cloth diapers for only $400.00!  I didn't even buy the cheapest ones out there!  The average child will probably use 7,500 disposable diapers until he/she is fully potty trained.  So, you're saving the landfills of all of that extra trash coming from one little human being.  If you can believe it, some companies are making compostable cloth diaper shells!  Those 24 diapers I have will take my child from infancy all the way to potty training.  What is even better, is that I can use these same diapers on our next one or two children.  Another major plus for most moms, even some dads, is how adorable these diapers are.  They truly look very similar to disposables, but with buttons or Velcro.  There are so many colors and designs, that you'll never get bored.  It's really fun to know that even if my child isn't wearing pants, he will still look adorable!  Children who wear cloth diapers also tend to potty train earlier than children who wear disposables.  This is due to the fact that children feel wet/dirty quicker than they do wearing disposables.  Cloth is also better for your child's skin.  Think about all the chemicals they put into the material of disposables.  True, there are some natural diapers out there, but you're still going to eventually throw them in the trash.

最后,清洗婴儿尿布非常容易。如果孩子全靠母乳喂养,你可以把整片尿布和内装物扔入洗衣机中。如果你使用公式,只需要多做点工作,以免你的洗衣机持有#2尿布中不需要的物料-以故事名称为例。任何洗衣机都行得通,但顶层加载机和高效率机会把你的尿布最干净。从图片中可以看到,我把所有尿布shells都擦上可爱章鱼挂起烘干机我从宜家购买 直接挂在我的洗衣机旁边 很容易烘干一夜 尿布上所有带子直接填进烘干机

I do understand that $400.00 is a large upfront cost to most new parents, but there are many ways to save even more money.  Your first option is to buy used.  There is a fantastic site where you can swap, buy, and/or sell diapers called Diaper Swappers.  Initially this may sound a little odd or unsanitary, but I promise that this is not the case.  There is a process called "stripping a diaper" that rids you of that thought.  Ebay and Craigslist are great resources as well.  The sellers are all usually very helpful in giving advice and information on what they are selling, and beyond.   You can also register for cloth diapers on your baby registry.  Major baby stores do carry some brands.  There are even sites that allow you to try diapers for 30 days and return them if you are unsatisfied, for a store credit (ex: Kel礼堂diper交叉点)
