佐治亚州太平洋的Diboll Lumber和Diboll刨花板因在去年的冬季风暴期间授予保守能源的弹性奖,以帮助保护德克萨斯电网。代表Geor-Gia-Pacific接受该奖项的是(从左到右)Danny Wright,Diboll Lumber Plant经理;和复合面板副总裁Pat Aldred。照片由东德克萨斯新闻提供
2022年6月30日,星期四 - 上午8:45
DIBOLL—Georgia Pacific’s Diboll Lumber and Diboll Particleboard have been recognized for their efforts to help conserve energy following one the region’s most severe winter storms in February 2021. Enel X, an advanced energy services company that provides smart value-added services and solutions that enable businesses and communities to create, store, use, and manage energy more efficiently, has awarded the two local building products facilities with the prestigious Resiliency Award.