格蕾丝·吴(Grace Wu):将多样性带入我们的屏幕

格蕾丝·吴(Grace Wu):将多样性带入我们的屏幕

NBCuniversal电视和流媒体的娱乐播放行为执行副总裁Grace Wu

NBCuniversal电视和流媒体的娱乐播放行为执行副总裁Grace Wu

Monday, September 13, 2021 - 9:30am


NBCuniversal电视台和流媒体的娱乐行为执行副总裁,Grace Wu一直处于热门节目的最前沿,包括“ This Is Is Us”,“ Friday Night Lights”和“父母身份”。她也被称为我们屏幕上更加多样性的激烈拥护者。Wu与MSNBC的Mika Brzezinski进行了交谈,以了解您的价值“负责女性”系列,以讨论她的职业道路,如何应对大流行,网络等的挑战。在下面阅读他们的对话以了解更多信息。


A: I just really had this passion to work in entertainment, and I didn't know what it was going to be. I was fortunate enough to get a job as a production assistant on a television show starring Margaret Cho where I was able to see what everyone did. And I figured out that casting was what I wanted to do.

Working on Cho’s show “All American Girl” was such a watershed moment for me because as a young, Asian-American woman, I'd never seen an Asian-American family on television. So that was already just incredibly powerful.





I think part of it is being resilient, not being discouraged, and willing to put your ego aside to start and admit that you don't know things. And that took a while. When you get older, you just have more confidence and it's OK to just say, "You know what? I don't know. Can you explain that again?" Or asking questions. And I don't know if I was really comfortable doing that until I was probably in my 30s or 40s. I feel like I'm still learning so much and finding my voice and knowing that what I say has value, but also acknowledging that people have things to teach me.

Q: When you moved from freelance, to the network and you found your footing, how did you do with that? What did you learn about advocating for yourself?




I really attribute a lot of my success to developing relationships with our writers and executives. It took my ability to kind of connect and make connections with my colleagues and my peers so that I could be someone that they would feel like I was their partner, their champion, that we would help identify material and make things happen.

Q: What is it like being Asian American in entertainment casting? Is there an issue with equity and inclusion that you would like to address?

A: Well, when I was first starting out, I certainly didn't see a lot of people like me in casting, or frankly, younger talent coming through. But in the last 20, 25, 30 years, I've seen so many more young Asian-American casting executives, talent at all the graduate programs. I don't know if I ever felt like I was diminished because of my race and ethnicity. But I also think that there were moments certainly yes, where I think people might've said things that they thought were jokes but were actually kind of attempts to just reduce me to a stereotype.

But I was always kind of dismissive of any sort of bias because I just always felt like, “Well, I'm not going to let that person or that remark be an obstacle for me to finish my work or even enjoy this meeting that I'm in.” I do have that ability to kind of erase or just kind of dismiss people that I think are negative or toxic or disrespectful because it's not going to help me.

Asian Americans are seen as hard workers and loyal, but maybe not always leaders, and that's something that I probably had to overcome. But I just try to then make my own impression and let people know that I'm not someone that can be dismissed or ignored.


A: The beginning of this pandemic, there was so much confusion and figuring out what this meant and working from home. Everyone was trying to figure out this crash course of how are we balancing home and work. I was honestly stressed and scared.


And I would say the first couple months, I looked forward to these daily meetings that I had with my team, because they would go on for honestly, sometimes up to like 90 minutes. I would be on Zoom talking about our days, like "what are we going to do?" And "I'm afraid to leave the house. I don't know how to do the grocery shopping," things like that. But we just kind of all got through together. I'm very proud of that. Because I feel like that brought us all closer.

Read Grace’s full conversation with Mika这里