



特立独行的思想家已经警告的危险贪得无厌了几个世纪,然而很少有人听。直到世界变成了黑9月15日,2008年在完美的金融风暴的社会注意。这是一个经济infamy-the天华尔街投资银行死了。雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)的一个最受人尊敬的和强大的金融机构在美国,在一个经济濒于崩溃冲击听到世界各地。死亡,其余投资银行继续生命支持复苏只有糟糕的政府救助。与2008年信贷和证券市场的崩溃,业务和公众之间的关系发生了不可逆转的改变。不再是古老的谚语,“这不是个人,这是生意”一个可接受的观点。银行家的不当行为所带来的危机以牺牲普通民众明确显示,商业确实是我们所做的一切个人一个人。今年的官方主题在达沃斯世界经济论坛(WEF),瑞士是“反思、重新设计和重建。“非官方的主题可以被称为贪婪是丑陋的。“我们走了很长一段路到这里从上个世纪的伊万•博斯基的天。经济,我们经历了很多痛苦。然而,作为人类我们很少变化当事情是舒适的。这是危机的出现,个人或公众,迫使我们重新审视我们的价值观和重塑自己。2008年的经济危机带来了2010年的经济顿悟。上周的情绪在世界商业领袖也迫切需要一种道德经济框架。大厅的黑暗的光明。仁慈,怜悯,哈利路亚。 For all those skeptics out there, the 2010 Davos Forum focus on values signifies an enormous change for the year ahead. People are mad as hell and they don’t want to take it anymore. Yet these are not ordinary angry mortals, like Joe the Plumber or moose shooting hockey moms. The outraged include the banking and business elite themselves. Members of a once admired and revered fraternity hold errant colleagues responsible for destroying good business models. Barclays’ President Robert Diamond said, “Those who stayed strong are angry at those who had poor management.” Trust is your bread and butter in business. Banking was once a respectable and conservative undertaking that served the community. Not a roulette wheel spun with the chips of pension-less factory workers, ninety-year-old widows, and the working poor. Where had common good values gone? Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackerman complained to the Davos crowd, “We should stop the blame game,” and “start looking forward.” His remarks were directed against the inevitable new taxes and industry regulation favored by those present. Ackerman did not realize that regulating banks看向创建一个适用于所有的系统,而不只是一个自私一些。然而,德国银行业首席承认公众舆论的重要性。“如果你失去了社会的支持,你不会意识到你的企业目标。”(相信似乎不共享一些美国的同事。)像世界经济论坛的官方主题揭示,新范式是“重新思考和重新设计”全球经济包括世界利益与利益。它不再是好的为其他人创造苦难的追求更多。法国总统尼古拉•萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)表示,“那些创造就业机会和财富”到“赚很多钱并不令人震惊。但那些导致破坏就业和财富也赚很多钱在道德上是站不住脚的。“场适者生存反对者已经变得像恐龙灭绝的边缘。唯一不知道的人似乎是受雇于救助银行。然而“指责”,令人反感,可能在大多数经济论坛参与者的嘴唇,不完全是徒劳的。如果这个巨大的灾难的肇事者继续忽视他们通过他们的行为,那么世界将继续指指点点,因此收紧琴弦。 Call it blame if you must, but the post-crisis behavior of unrestrained banker bonuses looks greedy to those looking on. And greed no longer looks good. Mexico’s ex-banking chief pointed out that banks have “misjudged the deep feelings of the public.” The华尔街日报》报道称,银行返回的“文化high-risk-taking和铺张浪费就重症监护。“President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, claimed bankers changed the game by using taxpayer money “to guarantee loans at banks…a gigantic amount” and could no longer dictate the new rules. Sarkozy summed up the general sentiment of the conference by stating that “indecent behavior will no longer be tolerated.” He claimed that capitalism could only be saved “by restoring its moral dimension.” That morality is being discussed at all in the setting of the formally greed is good culture of Davos is extraordinary. Continuing global economic hardship is yielding remarkable changes in profit perspectives. Glimmers of hope are emerging from the depths of despair. New economic thought has shifted to a world that cares for the poor, voiceless, and forgotten. The official message of the conference proclaims, “Now is the moment to rethink values as we rebuild prosperity. The interrelated fights against unemployment, global poverty and climate change are not just noble struggles: they are essential for long-term recovery and avoidance of future crises.” It was not good to be a banker at the World Economic Forum this year. The chairman of Morgan Stanley Europe compared their social status to that of “terrorists.” The comparison is humorous until one thinks about the havoc reeked by what economist Joseph Stiglitz calls “negative value”. Traders, underwriters, lenders, analysts, salesmen bought and sold securities, loan products, and swaps that were based on mortgages that could/would never be repaid. American Heritage Dictionary defines terrorism as a “state of fear and submission.” Considering the submission of millions of families to banks who took their homes and millions more who lost their incomes through no fault of their own, the fear gripping those facing foreclosure and unemployment, and the millions of investors who face uncertain retirement, the subprime mortgage debacle could undoubtedly be viewed as a form of economic terrorism. As we begin the second month of the year 2010, it seems clear that greed, defined as the accumulation of wealth and profit at the expense of others, is no longer ”good” to most of those observing. That is a great relief. The outrage expressed by pillars of the global economy in Davos, as well as the general public, reflects that the new “good” is as much about serving the common good as anything else. I would call that an Epiphany!








