成立于2007年,贝丝Remmes在亚特兰大,乔治亚州,左拉:生活的艺术绿色(www.zolagoods.com)为人们提供了一个机会来分享一个授权信息,发起全美家庭的变化,同时也提供一个补充收入的机会。左拉有助于人们更加意识的消费者,购买更符合长远的对环境的影响和世界在未来我们会有。通过基层的方法,左拉协调员举办环保屋派对和研讨会在他们的社区。有时有趣和令人吃惊的事实,左拉协调员需要客人通过平均美国消费者的生活和演示了如何改变小,以改善他们的生活和周围的环境。我们常常不知道我们有多大的影响,或如何发挥作用。谈话经常变成人们可以参与当地社区,社区花园,农贸市场,回收努力在他们的学校和社区。188bet网址怎么打不开解决方案和趋势,改变社会常常来自地面。在临界点,马尔科姆·格拉德威尔写道,“创建一个传染性运动,你经常需要创建许多小运动。“每个左拉协调员汇集了小群体的人们分享想法和采取行动,创建一个更环保、更可持续的未来。组织连接在左拉党中心的变化,传播绿色信息向外其余的社区。188bet网址怎么打不开 Zola’s product line is carefully determined using the triple bottom line value system that focuses on People, Planet, and Profit. Featured are some of the best eco-friendly products on the market including, energy and water saving devices, reusable bags, recycled paper goods and soy candles. In addition to environmental benefits, many of these products will also save people money. Unlike other direct selling companies, Zola has no selling or recruiting requirements. Zola Goods continued to grow in 2009, despite the lagging economy, demonstrating the consistent interest in authentic green information and products and in new opportunities. Tony Kvale, of Kvale Good Natured Games LLC remarks, “Zola is a direct-selling model that is focused on products and principles, rather than pure profit motivation. Zola’s message is a long-awaited breath of fresh air!” Zola Goods is also a Green America approved company, awarded this distinction because of its principles, policies, and practices that improve the quality of life for their customers, employees, communities, and the environment. Zola, of Italian origin, means “piece of earth.” By making small changes, each of us can heal our own piece of earth and together create an abundant future for our planet. Each of us can make an important difference, starting with decisions we make every day in our homes. “People may be confused, suffer from green fatigue, or be under the impression that their contributions would be insignificant, so they do not act,” says Remmes. “By educating people about the green movement in a fun, non-political forum, Zola empowers people to realize that individual actions are imperative to the health of our environment, and lays the foundation for people to be more open to large scale change, such as alternative energy.” Have your own green business and want to get involved? Zola also highlights other green companies. Is your green business listed? If not, add yours today.http://www.zolagoods.com/links.php如果你想了解更多关于左拉,或者安排采访左拉创始人贝丝Remmes,请致电770-715-4525或访问www.zolagoods.com。博客http://theartoflivinggreen.wordpress.com/推特http://twitter.com/zolagoods脸谱网http://www.facebook.com/home.php? /页面/ Zola-Goods / 42089946946 ? ref = tsGCC4107