


升级后的培训计划给Eco-Consultants更详细的信息,使每个咨询更有帮助和有效的为每一个客户。培训计划允许每个Eco-Consultant完成在线培训按照自己的节奏。他们还接受继续访问培训,它允许Eco-Consultants完成添加额外的模块,以及审查模块随时加强主题。培训项目包括超过600 Eco-Consultants反馈已完成培训,绿色家园改造清单房间分别与视频模块,绿色家居改造报告模块,火车Eco-Consultants推荐给客户的解决方案和建议,详细的产品模块与关键销售主张,新的视频Eco-Consultants、绿色产业更新统计数据和研究等等。“通过减少我们的登记费用,我们更容易完成在线培训项目,成为Eco-Consultant升级,“绿色艾琳Rosamaria Caballero创始人说。“150美元,Eco-Consultants不仅将获得我们的强化训练,但总业务解决方案,业务在一个盒子里。我们相信我们的培训项目是更好的比任何其他市场,其中大部分成本895美元,1500美元或更多。”Other elements Eco-Consultants receive as part of their total business solution include an e-commerce website, marketing tools and support, complete order fulfillment infrastructure, and unlimited access to Ask Green Irene, a private green research database. Since there is no typical Green Irene Eco-Consultant, the training program complements numerous backgrounds and expertise. While some men and women use this as a part-time business opportunity, other Eco-Consultants add their consulting practice to an established career or business. "As a certified home stager, I'm glad I've added a green consulting service compatible with my home staging business. Green Irene gives me the opportunity to offer services to my present clients before and after they move," said Deb Hollister, Billings, MT Eco-Consultant. "Green Irene did a great job in its online training to prepare me as an Eco-Consultant, and they gave me confidence that I can educate my clients and help service their needs." A few of the various professional backgrounds of Eco-Consultants include energy auditors, LEED-accredited professionals, realtors, landscape contractors, interior designers, solar installers, professional organizers and green cleaners. "As a licensed mortgage broker who offers energy-efficient mortgages and works with the homeowner to select sustainable products, Green Irene’s services are a great addition for me to offer homeowners who want to pick the 'low hanging fruit' of going green without doing a remodel," said Jan Gudis, Oviedo, FL Eco-Consultant. Becoming a Green Irene Eco-Consultant isn’t just a good green business opportunity, but a good business opportunity in general for anyone looking to start their own business. “Whenever people ask me for opportunities to make money and make a difference in the world, I'm happy to tell them about Green Irene. Green Irene provides a low cost way to start a business of your own and be a force for positive change in your community," said Glenn Croston, author of “75 Green Businesses You Can Start to Make Money and Make a Difference.” For more information about how to become an Eco-Consultant with Green Irene, visitwww.BeAGreenIrene.com。找到更多的信息通过网络媒体设备,访问http://tinyurl.com/GreenIrene-TRFeesPR。听到更多关于机会的吉姆•Armbrust宾夕法尼亚州绿色艾琳Eco-Consultant:点击这里。关于绿色艾琳有限责任公司成立于2007年由原“绿色艾琳”Rosamaria Caballero,绿色艾琳帮助人们节约能源,水,和金钱。建立在每个人都可以有所作为的概念简单的生活方式和习惯的改变,绿色艾琳Eco-Consultants执行绿色转型和绿色办公室与建议和产品转型,使您的生活或工作区域更环保。唯一的绿色家咨询公司全国范围,绿色艾琳已经培训了600多名Eco-Consultants在47个国家。绿色艾琳Eco-Consultants的目标是让你的家庭成员和同事一个更健康、更安全、更可持续的生活方式,和节省你的金钱,能源和水的咨询服务和绿色家用和办公产品。188bet上不了绿色艾琳是一个认证的成员美国商业促进局和绿色的绿色商业网络。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.GreenIrene.com
