



全世界的企业都无限多样,但它们都有一个共同点:他们需要的客户。更好的是,有利可图的客户。你的绿色商业可能有一个独特的可持续性的承诺,但是你仍然需要客户就像其他业务。金博宝怎么注册你让他们如何?这是如何联系的绿色市场两个简单的步骤。步骤# 1:了解你的客户。他们认为学习,吃饭,和价值。他们想要在生活中,和他们会花多少钱买的?并确保你不仅仅是决定你想让他们怎么想,但发现他们真正想要的。调查好,市场调查是有价值的,但有时你需要和你的客户握手,坐下来与他们交谈。 Literally. Green marketing surveys often report that 80 or 90% of Americans place sustainability at the top of their shopping list. I’d like to believe this is true. But if you look around it’s a little hard to believe the number is this high. When our shopping cart gets to the checkout line, it is not 90% full of green goods for most of us, not by a long shot. Some people do go out of their way to buy sustainably produced goods, those that Joel Makower calls “The Greenest Americans” in his book Strategies for the Green Economy. This portion of the green market places sustainability right at the top of their value list when shopping, and they’ll even spend more for green goods and services. Unfortunately this part of the green market is not 90% of the people, and is probably closer to 5-10% of Americans. Most of us are still basing our purchases on all of the same influences we always have. We buy things based on their cost, the way they look, and the way they make us feel. The Great Recession and the not-so-great recovery have made people concerned about cost and value more than ever. It’s not that people are opposed to sustainability, but they won’t usually go against all of these other concerns to do it. The green element of what you sell has to fit on top of everything else. Sustainability is the green icing on the cake for most people, but not the whole cake. That first step is a big one. And what’s the second step? Step #2: Let your customers know you. Not everyone knows about you and your green business unfortunately. You might have the coolest green thingamajig around, jam packed with sustainability, but if people don’t know about it they won’t buy it, guaranteed. If they know about it, and see how it fits what they’re looking for, then you’ve got a shot. You’ll need green marketing, green PR, and whatever else it takes to get out the word about your business. Sometimes businesses spend so much time and effort developing their product that they have little left for marketing. Doing free things is a great start, like getting into Facebook, Twitter, and the like, and when I work with clients on绿色营销和公关我鼓励他们考虑做一个博客,视频、社交网络,以及任何其他的自由活动时间,但比免费准备走的更远。绿色营销可以使用相同的工具,建立在与谷歌社交网络广告、网站SEO,电子邮件活动,与博客,和公关,坚持下去。经常告诉你的故事,一遍又一遍地无处不在,随着时间的推移和持久性会偿还。你就会知道你的顾客,他们会认识你,一个美丽的关系的开始。格伦Croston的作者是“75绿色企业”和“绿色”开始,为绿色企业提供低成本的公关和沟通在启动绿色(www.startingupgreen.com)他知道时间紧但每个人仍然需要讲述他们的故事。







