业务可持续性的道路是崎岖不平,和一些最大的金博宝怎么注册阻碍是假设环保产品和服务不工作和成本远高于其主流等价物。188bet上不了这些常见的假设对能源市场产生重大影响,交通,建筑,食品,和其他东西。虽然几乎每个人都说他们想要做正确的事情时对环境调查的电话,我们大多数人不愿意掏更多的钱买下它。当我们到达收银机,我们大多数人仍然买东西通过观察事物的成本。企业也不例外。几个将接受可持续发展的,但大多数是敏锐金博宝怎么注册地感兴趣为他们的底线是什么意思。尽管假设相反,企业可以提供价值远远超出他们的环境效益。当我最近访问了托马斯·阿克曼在他的商店精神图形和打印在名加利福尼亚州(圣地亚哥附近),他走我的一些他们已经采取措施提供伟大的印刷,好生意,和健全的环境管理所有在同一时间。商店是清洁和印刷机器嗡嗡作响,当我走过阿克曼,谈论业务和他的家人。阿克曼的家人几十年来一直在印刷业务,和他在打印店自从他七岁,沉浸于骄傲在他的工作和深度的经验似乎越来越异常。很少有人质疑印刷的环境影响,浪费了森林、废水和有毒气体和油墨。他们只是希望自己的固定和名片。我们担忧的是价值的部分我们的印刷。关键是朝着可持续性而保持低成本和高质量。金博宝怎么注册”作为一个企业经营者,我总是在寻求一种平衡的、负担得起的和可持续的印刷,”阿克曼说。其他人可能认为他疯了,但通过投资高效新印刷技术Ackerman大幅减少了用水量。他们回收几乎所有,使用最新的和最伟大的摘要可持续认证(FSC和SFI),减少对森林的影响。 Inks are made from soy, cutting back on volatile organics, fumes for workers, and waste to handle. And the operations of the shop are being offset with wind energy. Spirit Graphics and Printing isn’t tilting at windmills (or turbines, as it were)--it’s a part of daily business for them, a part of who they are, and a key to their success. Reducing water use, wasting less energy, reducing paper waste, and reducing chemical waste all saves money for Ackerman and Spirit. Recycled papers offer the highest quality for printing, and eco-friendlier soy inks can look even better than standard inks. All of this helps Spirit stay competitive in price with other shops, and keep their quality high. And by making these changes, they’re differentiating themselves and standing out in the crowd in a competitive industry. Despite the onslaught of digital media, printing is still a fundamental fact of business life and won’t go away any time soon. The first impression many people have of your business is still often based on printed materials like business cards, brochures, banners, notepads, or mailers. If your printed material is cheap but low quality it may go straight into the circular waste file. If more environmentally friendly printed products are also high value and high quality, they will make connections and bring in business. At that point, making these decisions is just good business whether you care about the environment or not. Glenn Croston is the author of "75 Green Businesses" and "Starting Green", helping businesses to start green and grow greener. You can get reach him atwww.startingupgreen.comSUP13743