格蕾琴·麦克莱恩(Gretchen McClain)入选犹他州技术委员会名人堂

格蕾琴·麦克莱恩(Gretchen McClain)入选犹他州技术委员会名人堂

Booz Allen Hamilton董事会成员因“全球贡献”而荣幸
2015年12月7日,星期一 - 下午1:00



Booz Allen HamiltonBoard Member Gretchen McClain became the first woman to be inducted into the Utah Technology Council’s Hall of Fame on November 2. McClain was honored along with U.S. Senator Orrin G. Hatch and Will West for her “global contributions to the industry through new technology, innovation and leadership.”

McClain’s career as a business leader spans more than 25 years at the helm of Fortune 500 corporations and in government service, including serving as founding CEO of an S&P 500 global water technology company, Xylem Inc., and NASA’s Chief Director of the International Space Station. She currently serves on the board of Booz Allen Hamilton.

航空工业协会主席兼首席执行官戴维·梅尔彻(David Melcher)在颁奖典礼上的一段录像中说:“格蕾琴·麦克莱恩(Gretchen McClain)是一个证明自己是政府的伟大领导者,商业领域的伟大领导者,伟大的人类,伟大的人,一个伟大的人,and somebody who cares about making people’s lives better.”

UTC总裁兼首席执行官理查德·纳尔逊(Richard R. Nelson)谈到获奖者时说:“这些领导人的往绩是无与伦比的,我们很高兴能将他们引入2015年的名人堂。这些领导人在各个领域都担任过重要领导角色,代表犹他州杰出的技术成就。”

该入选者于11月2日在盐湖城的Grand America Hotel举行的UTC名人堂庆祝活动(技术行业的年度聚会)上获得了荣誉。