Do you know their names?
有罗伊·克莱(Roy L. Clay),硅谷的传奇计算机科学家是1960年代惠普(HP)的第一台微型计算机的首席开发商。Gladys Westis a pioneering mathematician who was part of the team that developed the Global Positioning System (GPS).克拉伦斯“跳过”埃利斯是第一个获得博士学位的非裔美国人在计算机科学中。他领导了一个开发允许“文档协作编辑”的技术的小组,并以铺平了Google文档的开发而归功于。
和there’s more. Theoretical physicist雪莉·杰克逊博士was the first Black woman to earn a Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and her research led to the invention of technology behind caller ID and call waiting.玛丽·范·布里坦·布朗在1960年代,发明了第一个家庭安全系统,该系统已演变为当今大多数“智能家居”中使用的必不可少的设备。和杰拉尔德·劳森(Gerald Lawson)是一位工程师,他在1970年代帮助发明了第一个视频游戏机和可互换的游戏墨盒。
“从投资者到企业家,已经出现了许多新的创新者,我认为今天我们开始看到更多的知名度,”企业家,数据记者兼作者Sherrell Dorsey说上面那只手:我们其他人的工作未来。
尽管知名度提高,但仍有广泛报道的技术多样性。Diversity in Tech: 2021 U.S. Report.然而,根据同一报告,鼓励各种各样的年轻人考虑从事技术职业至关重要,这对于预测超过4500万的未来将失去自动化的工作。
非营利组织的联合创始人兼执行董事Trish Millines Dziko说:“当Covid命中时,并不是所有的访问都很清楚。”技术访问基金会(TAF)。“Down to the very essence of communication, not every Black or brown household had broadband, and poor households across all races had issues with not having broadband.”
The Seattle-based Technology Access Foundation (TAF) touts a successful STEM-based program. A former senior software engineer with Microsoft, Millines Dziko launched TAF in 1996 as an after-school program for students in grades K-12.
Sherrell Dorsey就是其中之一。
Millines Dziko says that STEM education also offers a foundation for students of color who want to pursue other fields that use science and technology, such as health care, finance and economics.
“Critical thinking, problem-solving, ideation, communication, being able to do research, being able to collaborate: All of those 21st-century skills are what STEM education or STEM learning is for us,” says Millines Dziko.
“Schools and companies have to be very diligent and vigilant about how they are tying curriculum to the actual needs of employers, so that students are equipped to take on the jobs that are needed in the future, with or without a four-year education,” says Dorsey.
Under Citizen Verizon, the company’s responsible business plan for economic, environmental and social advancement , Verizon has made a commitment to fostering数字包含. As part of its Verizon Innovative Learning initiative and partnerships, the company offers a year-round STEM education program that works with underrepresented students and prepares them for careers in science and technology.
VerizonInnovative Learning STEM Achieversprogram is offered at community colleges and historically Black, Hispanic and minority-serving institutions nationwide. The program exposes middle school students from underserved communities to next-generation technology to help them become creators and makers by developing STEM and entrepreneurship skills through hands-on, interactive instruction. In addition, Verizon has made the curriculum for this programming accessible to educators nationwide for free on the next-gen learning portalVerizon创新学习总部。
由计算机科学家于2014年成立哈利亚·布拉斯韦尔(Khalia Braswell),Intechis a nonprofit dedicated to teaching computer science and technology skills to Black girls and Latinas ages 10 through 18. Since going virtual during the pandemic, the North Carolina-based group offers a virtual summer camp that is open to girls across the United States and Canada.
“The girls go through the process of not only learning technical skills, but soft skills too, such as learning how to work on a team and how to present your work in a meaningful way,” says Executive Director Jerika Jones. Technology is also one field in which Black girls can find careers that could help them start creating generational wealth.
由五位黑人男性技术人员创办,包括执行董事Brandon Nicholson, Ph.D.,隐藏的天才项目is dedicated to mentoring “Black male youth in technology and entrepreneurship and supporting their potential to be leaders in changing technological landscape.”
“Our young people are brilliant, resilient, and readily assume responsibility for stewarding our communities toward a better future,” says Nicholson. “I believe in their power and relish the opportunity to support them through their journeys.”
父母在培养孩子对技术职业的好奇心方面发挥了最重要的作用。Sherrell Dorsey提供了有关如何做的技巧:
188bet中心订阅文学和数字平台,这些文学和数字平台突出了色彩的科学家和技术专家。查看插头,Code2040和People of Color in Tech.
查找书籍,尤其是资源书籍 - 大约是黑人在STEM中的书籍。Dorsey建议以下内容:Charlton McLlwain博士的Black Software,Margot Lee Shetterly的《隐藏人物》,以及David Tarver的证明地面。
Find content online featuring Black technologists and innovators talking about their work. Check out黑人技术.
Z Gen gen少年的建议
Spend your summers productively. Have fun, but think about groups and clubs you may want to attend.
Find a company that doesn’t have a summer internship program and pitch them. Offer to create a TikTok or another social account for them.
扭转轨迹并培养技术领域的黑人将持续工作。但是Millines Dziko敦促所有利益相关者保持课程。
“No matter what, if you believe in this work and believe it has to happen, whether you’re a parent or you’re running an after-school program, you’re a kid or a corporate person, it doesn’t matter who you are,” Millines Dziko says. “If you feel that this is something important, don’t stop at the first failure.”
Yolanda Parks is Executive Director, Content Standards and Client Strategy at Magid. She is responsible for developing recommendations on advertising and content standards; online safety; and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion issues.
The author has been compensated by Verizon for this article.