

进入和平卫士咆哮竞争赢得1000美元。获胜者将激励他人参与世界上你是否感到失望?你想知道为什么——原谅陈词滥调——我们都不能和睦相处?是的,人类已经经历了一个漫长的过程,在科学、技术、艺术、文化和娱乐,但似乎我们每一步向前,向后移动十个步骤。作为一个例子,因为全球性交易组织比以往任何时候都更强大,我们很远吗?它可以是非常令人沮丧的感觉,仿佛人类倾向于仇恨和虐待他人没有进化。事实上,它可以让我们公正地生气!但愤怒和沮丧可以好!在人类猥亵你越沮丧,就越容易打乱了人类趋势人类利用和滥用;或保持自满。 So get upset, get loud, get busy! PeaceKeeper invites you to send us a short video using speech, song, poetry, drum beating, plate smashing, and/or any other creative means of expressing your anger, frustration, and disappointment on any unjust situation you are wanting to rant about that will inspire others to get mad with you and, more importantly, to do something about it. It would of course be helpful if you included our company’s name, PEACEKEEPER, in the video. The more beautiful, entertaining, funny, righteous or touching, the better…! We can’t wait for the next generation to make a change. It is our time to act now and we want you to help! The winner of the best “PeaceKeeper’s Rant” video will win $1,000 and “Righteously Angry” bragging rights! Two runners up will receive a gift basket of PeaceKeeper products valued at $300. So Speak up. Use Your Voice. HEAL THE WORLD. Register today on our website and then e-mail us your final video by March 31, 2010. Sign up today atwww.iamapeacekeeper.com/contest把你的视频到contest@iamapeacekeeper.com。维和人员保留权利使用任何和/或所有视频在未来任何时候提交和提交你的视频,你同意放弃任何要求财政报酬。
