

德国柏林(3提单媒体可比我们)—金博宝手机版网页—11月9日,2011 - 20多来自庞巴迪的志愿者最多从任何公司,参加了一个社区项目在新奥尔良重建家园被卡特里娜飓风摧毁。188bet网址怎么打不开

25员工参与美国公共交通协会(美国物理治疗协会)2011年世博会在新奥尔良自愿参加圣伯纳德的项目在美国物理治疗协会社区服务一天,10月6日。188bet网址怎么打不开圣伯纳德项目是一个非盈利组织,由统一的方式。它成立于2006年3月在新奥尔良的重建家园,圣贝尔纳社区组成的27000个家庭和14000年企业。188bet网址怎么打不开六年前卡特里娜飓风的袭击摧毁了所有的房屋。庞巴迪志愿者花了一整天在两组帮助工作正在进行重建工作。到目前为止,志愿者项目的重建与另一个47在建超过352个家庭。玛丽琼斯,一个居民的家里庞巴迪帮助重建,说:“我要感谢庞巴迪志愿者来花时间帮我搬回我的家。我很不知所措,圣伯纳德项目组织能够帮助我,能够让这些志愿者们来自世界各地。它给了我一些关闭,因为过去的六年是压倒性的。“庞巴迪运输被正式承认为公司最高数量的志愿者参加社区服务。188bet网址怎么打不开 Raymond Bachant, President, Bombardier Transportation North America said: “A huge thank you to all who participated. We had a global representation with colleagues from Germany, Switzerland, Mexico, Canada and USA, who were in town for the APTA Expo and decided to lend their support to this incredibly worthy cause. This demonstrates that together we can make a real difference to the communities in which we work.” The volunteering effort reflects Bombardier’s strategic commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility. As a responsible corporate citizen, Bombardier invests in initiatives and organisations that contribute to the prosperity, well-being and sustainability of the communities in which it is present. In line with its commitment to provide financial support through donations and sponsorships, Bombardier announced during the APTA Annual Meeting and EXPO that it has joined the American Public Transportation Foundation's "Takes Us There" campaign. The campaign aims to educate the public about the many benefits public transportation provides to individuals and communities.