在2020年大流行的几周前,在天然气分销和现场建设中的工作日似乎是正常的工作日,但是当一位同事在例行事务上进入办公室管理员利兹·西尔维斯特(Liz Sylvester)办公室时 - 西尔维斯特(Sylvester)知道有些问题。这次相遇变成了一种祝福,在将肾脏捐赠给同事伯尼斯·里维拉·亚当斯(Bernice Rivera Adams)的姐姐玛丽莲(Marilyn)之后,她赢得了西尔维斯特(Sylvester)的新头衔“上帝姐妹”,并可能挽救了她的生命。
丽兹·西尔维斯特(Liz Sylvester)不认识玛丽莲·里维拉(Marilyn Rivera),在成功进行肾脏移植之前已经透析了近5年,于2021年5月进行。她不知道自己的抑郁症,也不知道自己永远不会收到肾脏。
Liz Sylvester said she may have been more inclined to help because of her 12-year experience taking care of her own mother, Gerri Kuo, who needed a heart transplant, but had too many complications to receive one. Kuo passed in 2014, three months after surviving a stroke while in surgery.
This isn’t the first time Sylvester has made a quick, life changing decision. When she was 24, after losing a good job, Sylvester saw a commercial, signed up and spent 4 years as a “radio man” in the U.S. Navy, before joining PSE&G. And it’s at PSE&G where she met her husband of 20 years, Scott Sylvester, senior customer operations supervisor, Harmon Cove District Operations.
“My wife has a huge heart,” Scott Sylvester said. “She has all of the characteristics that I love. She is task oriented, smart, attractive…and she’s a great role model for our daughter. I’ve told my wife this, ‘People have heroes, you are my hero. I just can’t believe you would do this for somebody.’ It just boggles my mind. I have so much respect, love and awe of this, because I’ve got to tell you, I’m not sure I could do it.”
The first complication the couple had was thinking about whether either of their teen children might need a kidney one day. But Sylvester’s doctor told them it would be rare for the need to arise before decades and at that point Sylvester’s kidney wouldn’t be viable to donate.
The next complication was COVID-19. It distracted medical staff and added extra tests and delays to an already arduous process, to the point where Sylvester was hounding the hospital for test results and next steps. It also meant that Sylvester had to go through very difficult procedures alone, because visitors weren’t allowed in medical facilities. Even after COVID-19 started waning this spring, before Scott put up a fuss the hospital told him he wouldn’t be allowed to accompany Sylvester for the transplant procedure and recovery.
It gave Sylvester plenty of time and excuses for backing out – but she said her resolve only wavered once, the night before surgery. She asked Scott if she was doing the right thing, and he provided just the comfort and support she needed.
District Manager, Regulatory Policy & Procedure Chris LaRossa, who remembers overhearing Liz say she would get tested to see if she was a donor match, was surprised to learn after a year that things had progressed to the point of surgery.
Sylvester said she didn’t tell many people before the surgery, allowing herself room to change her mind but never needing that space.
Sylvester’s manager, Gas Administrative Manager Ben Sieradzki, said that he wasn’t surprised when Liz informed him she was moving forward with this, not just because of the experience with her mom, but it is just her nature to help people anyway she can.
塞拉兹基说:“丽兹就是要采取行动并完成事情 - 这是她的激情。”“这超出了任何人的期望,只是展示了我们在公司周围拥有的非凡人物。”