

cocoa bean pods

Thursday, April 21, 2022 - 11:05am




Early last year, we were honoured when the ICI asked us to support with their search for a new Executive Director to provide visionary leadership so that the Foundation can achieve its objectives with emphasis on catalysing a responsible cocoa supply chain, a supportive and enabling environment, as well as a scaled-up, coordinated and coherent multi-stakeholder effort through innovation and learning, technical advocacy and capacity building.



Why is the ICI uniquely positioned to drive change in the cocoa sector?

  • Its sphere of influence, pool of expertise and network of partners; and

  • It has been working in cocoa-growing communities in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana for 14 years, during which it has helped advance quantified progress in the fight against child labour in cocoa.

What impact has the ICI had so far?

  • 在2015年至2020年期间,它的直接行动改善了422,000多名儿童的儿童保护;

  • Its approaches have led to a 20-30% reduction in child labour in ICI-assisted communities; and

  • It has spearheaded a 50% reduction in hazardous child labour amongst at-risk children identified by ICI’s monitoring systems.

We’re sure this explains a bit about the importance of this search, and the ICI’s need to find the best person for the position – someone who can bring the ICI’s mission and vision to life, someone who embodies the ICI’s core values, and someone who has the leadership skills required to drive meaningful change and deliver measurable impact.


At Acre, we recognise that our obligations stem far beyond merely placing people in jobs. We work with the most aspirational clients, like ICI, with the potential to make real change; from those who are just starting out to those who are well on the journey to crafting a legacy.

We start by telling their story.


我们为ICI提供了一个平台来宣传其重要工作,我们的内部设计团队为潜在候选人创建了一个定制的信息包。This highly visual document not only allowed us to bring the ICI’s vision to life, but it helped to demonstrate the time and effort that the ICI was putting into finding the right person – particularly during a year where the hesitancy to leave an existing role or re-locate was heightened.

Click here to browse the full document.


The ICI’s new Executive Director would be leading a team of 160 people – all with one common goal – so finding a leader who could inspire and maintain broad support to every one of them was of the utmost importance.


  1. 候选人通过与我们的高级发展教练乔什·杰弗里斯(Josh Jeffries)的1-1反馈会议从对其优势和发展领域的宝贵见解中受益。

  2. The ICI benefitted from objective insight into each candidate’s potential for success in this role, and were also able to open an honest, transparent conversation around development right from the get-go.


ICI决定任命Matthias Lange为新的执行董事以及他将在这个职位上产生的影响,我们对我们并不感到兴奋。我们的欧洲招聘团队在面试过程的每个阶段都支持Matthias,并被结果谦虚。


“I am honoured, and humbled, by the task at hand and the responsibilities ahead. Thanks to Nick’s [previous] leadership, our organisation has a strong foundation and a clear vision for the future, and I am grateful to know that I can count on the commitment of talented staff and of dedicated members and partners, to continue to improve the lives of children and their families in cocoa-growing communities. I look forward to continuing the great work Nick has started, building on these strong foundations, and working towards our collective vision of thriving cocoa-growing communities within a dignified, sustainable and responsibly managed cocoa-supply chain.”

至于他在Harco Leertouwer,Ricardo Pengel和Aysen Naylor的招聘经验中,Matthias可以说:


If you’d like to learn more about how a partnership like this could transform your team, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at amsterdam@acre.com or by calling +31 20 808 1900.

At Acre, we work with the most aspirational businesses with potential to make real change; from those who are just starting out to those who are well on the journey to crafting a legacy.


Through our unique behavioural assessment technology, we understand the types of people, skills and behaviours required to create impact. We can develop these qualities within your existing teams too.

We find talented people and develop their skills to ensure they make a true impact in ambitious, progressive organisations.
