家得宝(Home Depot

活动: 可持续运营


家庭depothasbeenrcentizedas是企业气候行动的全球领导者,其努力稳固的环境影响并为消费者创造了更可持续的未来。 CDP, an environmental impact non-profit, ranked The Home Depot 2021 Climate Change score as an A- for its actions to cut carbon emissions and reduce climate risks. This marks the fourth consecutive year that the company has received an A/A- rating for its climate change efforts, while The North America regional average is a C.

每年,成千上万的公司都会透露有关其对CDP的环境影响的数据,以进行独立评估,并获得从A的分数到D到D,从而有效地解决了气候。 CDP scoring enables companies to move forward towards environmental stewardship through benchmarking and comparison with peers and to continuously improve their climate governance. 


环境创新副总裁罗恩·贾维斯(Ron Jarvis)表示:“我们很荣幸能被CDP认可,以减少环境影响。”“通过减少能源和采购清洁能源来减少排放的努力,对利益相关者透明是我们作为公司可持续发展战略的重要组成部分。”金博宝怎么注册

要了解有关Home Depot对可持续性的承诺的更多信息,请查看金博宝怎么注册2021 ESG报告Eco Actions网站

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