Small Business Saturday: Solutions and Support for Every Small Business

Nov 21, 2022 1:25 PM ET

Originally published on

二十年来,金伯利·埃文斯(Kimberly Evans)登记了企业家和小企业主的经验。她拥有一家服装店。她打开了一个呼叫中心。

But when it came to raising capital for her latest venture,Just Her Rideshare,北卡罗来纳州夏洛特(Charlotte)居民意识到她有一个知识差距。埃文斯说:“我已经建立了小型企业,但我从来没有按照这一规模筹款。”“我知道我需要找出如何执行该操作。我擅长某些事情,但是作为一个小型企业主,您并不能擅长一切。”

埃文斯(Evans1863 Ventures。该组织,由校长支持®Foundation, offers leadership training and market access for people of color and women entrepreneurs. For Evans, that translated into team building and financial insights. For her community—and thousands of other communities across the U.S. that support small businesses—the benefits of such programs spread far and wide.


小型企业等重点活动有助于引起人们注意美国3000万个小型企业。But research demonstrates support is needed not just on one day, but throughout the year, year after year. That’s particularly true for small businesses owned by people of color and women.

例如,new research from theGlobal Financial Inclusion Index强烈表明,在性别和种族人口统计学中,获得财务安全的机会不均匀。该指数发现,美国的妇女面临的是金融体系的排斥,而不是男性,而获得金融产品,工具,服务和建议对黑人和西班牙裔社区来说更加困难。188bet上不了

What helps? Programs provided by organizations like 1863 Ventures.

埃文斯(Evans)的想法 - 为寻求乘车场的妇女创造一个安全的空间 - 受到社区悲剧的启发,谋杀了一名大学生,该大学生将另一辆车误以为是她的Uber驾驶员。188bet网址怎么打不开自从两年前她的乘车现场成立以来,埃文斯(Evans)却在筹集资金请求中度过了友好的离开和大量的“否”。3RS程序在正确的时间引起共鸣。埃文斯说:“我看到了这一想法的伟大,这可能会产生的影响,但是建立了如此庞大的公司,”埃文斯说。“我已经获得了很多好处。”

Small business solutions: Starting with policies and community

拥有小型企业的妇女和有色人种的数量正在增加:根据美国人口普查局的说法,women employer businesses—those that employ others—have reached a total of 1.1 million, employing over 10 million workers. Approximately18.7%的美国雇主企业属于by people of color.

但是,这种增长并不能减轻历史和持续的挑战。例如,Black people make up over 14% of the U.S. population, but only 2.3% of owners of employer firms。在大流行期间,36% of Black business owners reported difficulties accessing credit,相比之下,只有29%的调查参与者。

Those disparities play out in overall individual financial security, too. Women, for example, face worse outcomes on every measure of financial health, and women of color even more so. Those were the findings of财务健康报告中的性别差距,由主要基金会资助,由财务健康网络。

校长乔·克里斯汀·迈尔斯(Jo Christine Miles)说:“如果问题变化和系统性,那么鸿沟就会令人难以置信。”®188bet网址怎么打不开社区关系和主要基金会。“但事实并非如此。政策变化,加上重点,创新,能力建设计划以及扩大资本的机会,可以帮助更多的小型企业和有抱负的企业家蓬勃发展。”


“I wanted to build a community of women taking care of each other, but I’m also an entrepreneur. I wanted to build something good but leave a legacy, too,” she says. “If we have a small business network and the support of users and information that helps us build, entrepreneurs like me can get to the next level.”

Learn more about how Principal supports small businesses across the country

只是她的乘车共享,1863年的Ventures和American Express不是主要金融集团的任何会员公司的分支机构®

主要金融集团基金会公司(“校长)®基金会”是一个正式公认的501(c)(3)实体,致力于为在Principal Financial Group,Inc。(“校长”)运作的社区中建立金融安全计划的计划提供慈善支持。,主要基金会是一个独特的独立,慈善的实体。主要基金会不执行任何形式的投资咨询服务,也无权这样做。188bet上不了

© 2022 Principal Foundation.

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