美国农业部(USDA)表示,创纪录的4000万美国人来说,或1 8,在没有政府援助的情况下可能无法吃。除了食品价格上涨,大多数生产我们购买营养比过去少。在我们当前的系统我们选择提前生产周,以便它可以成熟的市场。因此,蔬菜和果实是缺乏大部分的营养,他们开发在过去两周的成熟葡萄树和目前生产收获它开始失去营养。当你把挑选产生早期与养分的损失在运输生产市场,得到人们今天必须消耗更多的负面影响比过去获得相同数量的营养物质。我的公司家乡的农场有一个真正的解决方案,可以解决大部分的问题+提供额外的好处。我们农场搬回城市和城市地区使用垂直Hydro-Organic日益增长的系统。这是我们使用的一种方式控制生活的土壤中生长。我们将构建这些农场在每个社区的中心与人民直接销售底线是我们可以提供新鲜,当地种植的有机蔬菜和葡萄188bet网址怎么打不开成熟浆果在传统无机价格。这将允许每个家庭在美国访问“全食”上可负担得起的高质量的产品低廉的价格。有关我们的整体粮食问题是低质量的学校午餐。我们需要找到一种方法来帮助学校改善食物的质量他们养活我们的孩子。的问题我们已经不是学校的错。他们有一种不健康的低预算和少数小预算来选择和低质量的食物。现在我们的孩子们向我们展示的不健康影响儿童肥胖在我们历史上最快的增长。 We have been stuck in an old system that makes it extremely difficult for budgets to go up and food prices to go down. The solution is to change the system! We have specifically designed a model that can help school districts across the country provide more nutritious, better tasting, locally grown vegetables and berries to our kids while reducing their food costs and providing a substantial amount of cash that the schools can use any way they see fit. This program does not require any investment or resources from the school other than land. Instead of forcing school districts to beg or sell their souls for money to companies who supply sweets and other unhealthy food to our kids, we help schools to take control of their future. The schools can now use positive ways to raise the much needed cash and at the same time provide more nutritious food for the kids, a win for everyone! The benefits of commercial vertical organic urban farming are many: Benefits to the Community HomeTown Farms' farming methods offer many benefits to the communities it serves: · Lower costs means that all consumers can afford locally grown organic produce. · Higher food nutrient content since produce is vine ripened. · Local sustainable jobs that stay local. · Local supply of food in case of food shortages or disruption in the food supply. · No chemicals in your food by eliminating the use of herbicides and pesticides. · Less processing and handling increases food safety. Benefits for the Environment The growing technologies we use work above ground and are not dependent on existing ground soil, we use our own living soils. Compared to conventional farming methods, the growing systems that Home Town Farms use generate remarkable environmental benefits. · 85% less water required. · 90% less fuel consumption. · 90% less carbon footprint because of reduced fuel consumption. · 80% less fertilizer consumed. · 70% less land required. HomeTown Farms and commercial vertical organic urban farming is not your usual “Clean” or “Green” company or industry but it saves more natural resources and reduces more pollution than any other industry in this country. It also provides additional benefits such as local jobs, improved food quality, reduction in harmful pesticides and herbicides, food security and affordable locally grown organic produce. We use existing proven equipment and methods that are combined in a new way that is very profitable which will allow commercial vertical organic urban farming to flourish and spread across this country without subsidies. We all win and the environment wins as well! If you want to find out more about Home Town Farms or commercial vertical organic urban farming go towww.hometownfarms.com 吃健康的 丹吉布斯 首席执行官 家乡的农场SUP11843