



我们正处于全球粮食危机,随着食品价格的飙升在去年全球。随着玉米成本的上涨了87%,小麦74%,数以百万计的人们比以往任何时候都更难养家糊口,食品价格的上涨甚至有助于引发社会动荡的浪潮席卷中东地区。美国农业部(USDA)表示,创纪录的4000万美国人来说,或1 8,在没有政府援助的情况下可能无法吃。首席执行官和创始人之一家乡的农场在圣地亚哥,丹吉布斯已经开发了一个创新的解决方案:商业垂直城市有机农业提供的食物不仅是低成本,高质量。我们的食品价格上涨的原因有很多。世界各地的这些地区的恶劣天气导致供应短缺。稳定增长的世界人口达到七十亿,今年已经延伸世界农业生产能力的极限。“在最基本的层面上,人类的危机是一个测试养活自己的能力,“写了《商业周刊》(2011年2月21日)。即使在美国,食品的高价格产生影响。经济下滑和失业率造成数以百万计的人在这里在美国为他们的家庭负担不起食物,和高成本的低质量食物越来越明显,随着肥胖的浪潮不断上升,导致我们的节节攀升的医疗费用。家乡的农场垂直城市有机农业是解决这两个坏食物和高价格。他们是在温室中引入垂直农场将位于城市和郊区土地闲置,甚至屋顶,空地种植蔬菜和浆果垂直生产和常规农业生产力六至八倍。通过温室和有机农业结合垂直种植方法,他们大大减少杀虫剂和除草剂的必要性,化肥的使用减少80%,也节约85%的水。通过种植和销售本地食品在城市和城市地区,将在那里使用没有航运数千英里,他们避免长途粮食分配的需要,减少燃料的使用和燃料成本高达90%。总的来说,吉布斯估计,食品生产的家乡农场将一半的成本需要传统农民和电流分布系统发展和船舶生产从农场到城市。+同时创造良好的绿色就业机会,帮助地球。“我们将构建这些农场的中心和直接销售人每个社区,”丹吉布斯说,家乡农场的创始人之一。188bet网址怎么打不开“底线是我们可以提供新鲜,当地种植的有机蔬菜和葡萄成熟浆果在传统无机价格。这将允许每个家庭在美国访问整个食品价格上可负担得起的高质量生产。”Another benefit of the approach being developed by Home Town Farms is that the food they produce is not only affordable, but higher quality because it is picked fresh and sold locally. Conventionally grown produce is often picked weeks early and shipped thousands of miles to reach consumers, reducing its nutritional value and quality. The vegetables and berries from Home Town Farms will be bursting with flavor and nutrients, while still being affordable, providing a healthier alternative for budget-minded consumers looking for a change. "Freshly picked vine ripened vegetables and berries can help provide optimal health to individuals," said Steven A. Brody M.D., Ph.D, a nutrition expert. "The phytonutrients in these foods constitute powerful substances to fight cancer and heart disease. Fresh vine ripened vegetables have the highest potency of these healthy micronutrients. Consequently, I would encourage the consumption of vine ripened produce for anyone interested in good health and well-being." As the price of food rises, the Home Town Farms approach provides a hedge against future price increases since food is grown locally and sold directly to consumers rather than being sold on the global commodity market and has much lower need for outside resources like fuel. Their approach will also boost food security in the neighborhoods where it is adopted, ensuring a steady food supply in the event of shortages or disruptions of the food distribution network. All of the pieces are there for Gibbs and Home Town Farms as they put them all together to make this innovative approach to food production a reality. As the world's production capacity is strained, we will need more innovative solutions like Home Town Farms that can provide the growing population with high quality and low cost food for many years to come. To get involved, get in touch with Gibbs and see how you can help. If you want to find out more about Home Town Farms or commercial vertical organic urban farming go towww.hometownfarms.com。格伦Croston的作者是“75绿色企业”和“绿色”开始,帮助业务开始绿色和成长www.startingupgreen.com







