

风能和太阳能项目有助于将公司推向20 x 30挑战可再生能源目标


明尼苏达州奥斯汀,2022年4月25日 / 3BL Media / -Hormel Foods Corporation(NYSE:HRL),这是一家以其企业公民身份闻名的全球品牌食品公司with renewable sourcing by the end of 2022. The renewable energy achievement is part of the company’s20乘30挑战,到2030年,Hormel Foods努力达到20个积极的环境和社会责任目标。通过20 x 30挑战,Hormel Foods的目标是将其全球能源使用的100%与可再生能源采购相匹配。该公司的20乘30挑战雄心有助于支持联合国可持续发展目标并推进公司强大的环境,社会和治理(ESG)领导。

“我们受到启发,能够使世界变得更美好,” Hormel Foods供应链副总裁Mark Coffey说。“这项成就表明了我们对环境管理的承诺,包括重新思考我们如何获得所需的能量。”


  • 西方小径风项目位于德克萨斯州北部;
  • 俄克拉荷马州南部的卡多风遗址;和
  • Haystack风项目位于内布拉斯加州东部。

此外,该公司在其位于明尼苏达州蒙特维迪奥的Jennie-O Turkey商店工厂完成了最新的太阳能项目。该项目的1.75兆瓦项目(托管社区太阳能电池板)将提供该工厂能源需求的约10%。188bet网址怎么打不开

EPA的绿色力量合作伙伴关系计划经理詹姆斯·克里奇菲尔德(James Critchfield)表示:“美国环境保护局在绿色电力市场中的领导地位表示赞赏。投资和使用。”

Hormel Foods被Newsweek评为美国最值得信赖的公司之一,也是美国最负责任的公司之一。该公司还被《福布斯》(Forbes)认可为世界顶级女性友好的公司之一,并获得了Progressive Grocer的几项影响力奖,以获得其教育支持和粮食安全计划。




总部位于明尼苏达州奥斯汀的Hormel Foods Corporation是一家全球品牌食品公司,全球80个国家的年收入超过110亿美元。它的品牌包括 种植者®,,,, 跳过®, 垃圾邮件®,荷尔米尔® Natural Choice®,Applegate®,贾斯汀的®,哥伦布®,完全®,荷尔米尔® Black Label®,珍妮 - o®还有其他30多个心爱的品牌。The company is a member of the S&P 500 Index and the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats, was named on the “Global 2000 World’s Best Employers” list by Forbes magazine for three years, is one of Fortune magazine’s most admired companies, has appeared on Corporate Responsibility Magazine’s “The 100 Best Corporate Citizens” list for 12 years, and has received numerous other awards and accolades for its corporate responsibility and community service efforts. The company lives by its purpose statement — Inspired People. Inspired Food.™ — to bring some of the world’s most trusted and iconic brands to tables across the globe. For more information, visit www.hormelfoods.com and https://金博宝手机版网页csr.hormelfoods.com/


该新闻稿包含联邦证券法的含义中的“前瞻性”信息。“前瞻性”信息可能包括有关公司对未来前景的陈述,以及其他信念,未来计划,策略或预期事件的陈述以及关于不是历史事实的事项的类似表达式。此类陈述受到某些风险和不确定性的影响,这些风险可能导致实际结果与历史结果以及预期或预测的结果有重大差异,哪些因素包括但不限于与经济状况恶化有关的风险;与收购和剥离有关的风险;共同制造商,供应商,物流提供商,客户或其他第三方服务提供商的运营潜在破坏;损失物质合同的风险;该公司无法保护信息技术系统免受网络攻击或安全违规的影响或有效响应;劳资关系的恶化,劳动力可用性或增加劳动成本;食品行业的一般风险,商品价格的波动以及原材料和其他投入的可用性;公司产品市场需求的波动; risks of litigation; potential sanctions and compliance costs arising from government regulation; compliance with stringent environmental regulation and potential environmental litigation; and risks arising from the Company’s foreign operations. Please refer to the cautionary statements regarding “Risk Factors” and “Forward-Looking Statements” that appear in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, which can be accessed at hormelfoods.com in the “Investors” section, for additional information. In making these statements, the Company is not undertaking, and specifically declines to undertake, any obligation to address or update each or any factor in future filings or communications regarding the Company’s business or results. Though the Company has attempted to list comprehensively these important cautionary risk factors, the Company wishes to caution investors and others that other factors may in the future prove to be important in affecting the Company’s business or results. The Company cautions readers not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which represent current views as of the date made.


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