How A Brush with Death Can Lead to a New Life

爱丽丝·陈博士Finds Her Life's Purpose and Helps Others do the Same
Feb 27, 2013 12:35 PM ET

Finding and Embracing Your Life's Purpose


似乎我们一生中大部分时间都在不考虑我们是谁或我们要去的地方,日复一日地巡游。不过,危机可以阻止我们进入我们的轨道,使我们摆脱常规,迫使我们重新思考事物。危机越大,往往会发生的重新思考。死亡的刷子足够大,几乎任何人都可以仔细地看待自己的生活,并想知道他们前进的方向是否真的是他们想要和需要的。爱丽丝·陈(Alice Chan)博士以几乎致命的车祸形式唤醒了她的唤醒电话,但事故发生前很久,她就朝着变化的道路前进。

By most appearances爱丽丝·陈博士was doing well in her life. She had a beautiful house, was successful in her marketing career, and by most measures should have been happy. But she wasn’t. It felt like something big was missing from her life, something important: purpose. She needed a purpose in her life greater than her job and her house, and larger than her own life. She wanted and needed to do more, working to help others.

This feeling wasn’t new. She felt that working to help others was something she was always meant to do, but as her discontentment with her life had grown she reached out for solutions anywhere she could. She plowed through a pile of self-help books and programs, but felt overwhelmed by their great variety of messages and methods, overloaded with information. When she went on a trip with a friend to Sedona, she had an epiphany that she was not alone. She saw that people everywhere are searching for their purpose, just like she was, and having the same hard time figuring it out, and it came to her that she could end her search for a purpose for living and build a new life by helping others to build a new life as well. Dr. Chan envisioned a book and a program called REACH that would show people how to find their own purpose in life and pursue it.

She saw clearly what she needed to do, and knew it was the right thing for herself and for others, but found herself unable to fully make the leap. She was afraid to let go of her old career and her old life, to risk everything for the sake of something that could be wonderful, but that held the risk of turning her whole life upside down by venturing into the unknown. “Nobody knew who I was; how was I going to make it work? So, I reverted right back to doing the job I hated and had outgrown but was very good at, because it was safe,” said Dr. Chan.

As she hesitated, the universe nudged her forward when a severe car accident nearly killed her, leaving her with no memory of the accident, just staples across her head. While she was unconscious in the hospital, she had a profound experience in which she felt herself surrounded by love. “I was wrapped up from head to toe in a warm cocoon of the purest love that’s unlike any human experience,” Alice said. “I didn’t feel any fear with knowing that I almost died; everything was well and in right order.”

Alice had been right up to the edge of death and a little over the edge, getting a look at the other side. A brush with death like this has a way of changing your perspective. For Dr. Chan, it helped her to move beyond her fears - they were still there, but would no longer hold her back, leaving her marking time in life. She had been given a second chance, and like others I’ve talked with getting a second chance after a brush with death set her free to embrace a new direction in life. She left her job to build the REACH program she had dreamed of.


Glenn Croston is the author of “火车站的礼物:帮助他人的治疗能力”,讲述了14位鼓舞人心的人的故事,他们克服了巨大的挑战,并伸出了帮助他人,也可以治愈自己的生活。

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