


杜克能源(Duke Energy)每年都有大约25,000吨的木材废物,载有电源线的旧电线杆,托盘和卷轴。该公司没有将其全部放在垃圾填埋场中,而是找到了一种在2021年回收90%的方法。






拉斯·威尔肯洛(Russ Wilkenloh)在杜克能源公司(Duke Energy)花了十多年的时间找到减少垃圾填埋场的木材废物量的方法。


布莱克伍德解决方案总统杰森·费甘斯(Jason Feagans)与杜克能源公司(Duke Energy)的供应链材料管理服务总监Wilkenloh开发了回收流程。188bet上不了After Wilkenloh heard about how Feagans was recycling railroad ties, he asked Feagans if he’d be willing to find a way to reduce wood waste for Duke Energy, too.Most power poles are as tall as a semitrailer truck and weigh as much as four refrigerators, which can make recycling difficult.

“在这里,经过处理的木材回收的创新诞生了。当您看一堆破碎,腐烂的木头时,” Feagans说:“很难看到价值,但是当我看到它时,我会感到兴奋,因为我们总是在努力思考那堆木头中的东西。我们如何将其变成可持续的其他产品,对环境有益并赚钱?”

可以将仍然状况良好的经过处理的木材捐赠给人们和非营利组织来建造谷仓,围栏和停车场边界,这是一种在很少的运输和加工中重新利用木材的有效方法。如果这些废料太小而无法使用,它们会变成粗芯片,可以将其出售给垃圾填埋场以修建道路,以便卡车可以越过垃圾填埋场并卸下垃圾。通常,垃圾填埋场会购买砾石或其他一些材料来修建道路,因此能够使用本来可以添加到垃圾填埋场的材料,以减少整体废物。杜克能源重新利用或回收90%在其旧的电线杆,托盘,卷轴和其他木材中,可以防止超过22,000吨的木材废物被扔掉。该公司与Blackwood Solutions合作,从六个州的200多个运营中心和发电厂收集废弃的木材,用于几种不同的用途。

Since Wilkenloh started Duke Energy’s recycling program, they’ve improved the amount of recycled or repurposed waste from all its offices and power plants from 52 percent in 2008 to 80 percent in 2021. Duke Energy plans to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, and Wilkenloh said he sees the company’s recycling work as an extension of its overall goal to generate cleaner energy.Scrap untreated wood can also be recycled to produce biochar, a charcoal-like material that sequesters carbon. Burning untreated wood in an oxygen-poor environment at a high temperature reduces the wood’s mass by about 95 percent, so it takes up less space than the scraps and locks in much of the wood’s carbon rather than releasing it into the atmosphere. Farmers can also enhance their soil by adding biochar.

“如果队友将其放在回收堆中而不是废物容器中,我们可以移动针头。我们的环境足迹不仅仅是发电。”威尔肯洛说。“It applies to everything we do for Duke Energy including our waste stream.”Wilkenloh is known for checking Duke Energy dumpsters for things that could have been recycled, and while he’s proud of the progress they’ve made, he said there’s always room for improvement.