Have you ever looked around and wondered why seemingly all the managers in your workplace are men? Or have you ever made an assumption that a manager will be a man? According to a diversity and inclusion study from科技国,在英国,男子占技术行业董事角色的77%。
女性会议是赋予女性在尝试进入管理职位时女性在工作场所面临的一些障碍的关键组成部分。这些会议是包括Ally Romain Boucharlat在内的两名团队成员的创意,旨在创造一个环境,使同事在心理上感到安全,并可以使他们的真实自我工作。
During these sessions, people asked provocative questions like “Why are there more men than women managers?”, with the floor opened to all to share opinions and resources that explore the topic further. Colleagues were then split into teams to discuss practical ways men and women can support women in the workplace. They shared suggestions that became the basis of a plan, and each person was responsible for executing that plan.
Whilst not a guarantee that women on the team will be promoted, male colleagues were able to get a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by women and then commit to being active allies in shared spaces through a series of follow-up actions.
Actions, giving space to speak, mentoring and book clubs
行动范围从看似简单的范围(例如为安静的女性提供空间,在会议上讲话或需要更多努力的行动,例如指导一个个人贡献者的女人。动作甚至通过读书俱乐部就成为了一场小组活动,其中包括阅读卡罗琳·克里亚多·佩雷斯(Caroline Criado Perez)的《看不见的女人》一书。
问责制is a core value of this business and in our DEI initiatives, and one participant warmly observed that “the team was so candid in their opinions, and they returned proudly sharing what they accomplished since the last meeting.”
During each subsequent session, each team reported on the progress of the action plan, ensuring that tangible progress was made.
由于创建了该系列,因此团队正在制定后续计划,例如“ Dei读书俱乐部”,第一本书是隐形女性。他们还发起了一项名为“ Allyship”的倡议,并创建了一个视频,以展示客户成功团队如何实现盟友。整个团队(按选择)参加了DEI计划。他们以同理心和“一个VMware”为基础原理的榜样。
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