

杰夫·芬克曼(Jeff Finkelman),科琳·银(Colleen Silver),宝琳娜·梅吉亚(Paulina Mejia)
富兰克林·邓普顿(Franklin Templeton)徽标




Climate change; racial and gender diversity; stakeholder capitalism—several years ago, investment advisors might have been surprised to hear these terms come up in conversations with clients. Today, they’re discussed as frequently as risk and return. Though it’s been around for decades, interest in sustainable investing has exploded over the past five years. Investors have grown increasingly comfortable with the evidence that integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the investment process doesn’t require sacrificing investment performance. In fact, many in the investment industry would argue that ESG analysis can enhance risk-adjusted returns.

Aligning Family Values

Building a diversified, sustainable investment portfolio can seem daunting. Eager to deploy capital, investors risk getting pulled in different directions as they try to maximize their impact, keep their portfolios aligned with their values and achieve their investment objectives. The challenge is often compounded for owners of family businesses, whose wealth is often concentrated in a single asset. Diversification may be prudent, but few owners are eager to loosen the connection to the source of their family’s success.



The Social Conversation


Statement of Purpose


Guiding Principles and Beliefs

The family’s principles and beliefs provide the “rules of the road” for portfolio implementation. Few key areas to consider:

  • 影响力优先投资。家庭愿意和不愿实现其目标的哪些类型的权衡?投资组合中有“特许资本”的角色?
  • Negative screens. Are there sectors or companies the family wants to avoid? Are there particular business activities, such as predatory lending, that should be kept out of the portfolio? How comfortable would the family be if their portfolio underperformed the benchmark because of a negative screen?
  • ESG benefits. What benefits does the family hope to realize from including ESG investments in its portfolio: values alignment, investment performance or a combination of both?
  • 新兴经理。小型的新兴投资经理在可持续投资市场中以突出的方式发挥着重要作用,他们经常提供获得特定影响主题的唯一手段。


Establishing near-term objectives that are both actionable and measurable helps set the portfolio on a path towards success. While it may be tempting to set specific investment targets, allow for flexibility. Objectives that commit to learning more about particular issues or simply sourcing opportunities from a particular market may be the most appropriate, especially if clients are just beginning to explore sustainable investing.


Key Planning Considerations

Some investors find their sustainability planning efforts evolve over time. That’s why it’s important for clients to stay flexible and think strategically about the positioning of their portfolio before they get started. Focus on developing a plan that can grow with your client’s family as perspective changes over time. Consider emphasizing process rather than outcome to maximize flexibility.

关于Franklin Templeton

Franklin Resources, Inc. [NYSE:BEN] is a global investment management organization with subsidiaries operating as Franklin Templeton and serving clients in over 155 countries. Franklin Templeton’s mission is to help clients achieve better outcomes through investment management expertise, wealth management and technology solutions. Through its specialist investment managers, the company offers boutique specialization on a global scale, bringing extensive capabilities in equity, fixed income, multi-asset solutions and alternatives. With offices in more than 30 countries and approximately 1,300 investment professionals, the California-based company has 75 years of investment experience and approximately $1.5 trillion in assets under management as of January 31, 2022. For more information, please visitFranklintempleton.com和follow us onLinkedIn,推特Facebook.