

188bet网址怎么打不开纽约市青年商学院20名公学学生正与媒体影响合作改善校区状况。 青年Ormn是媒体影响My School-MyColle

188bet网址怎么打不开my School-My社区是一个创新学习方法,直接和积极地与学生接触188bet网址怎么打不开通过亲笔探索,学生学习有效运用创意故事讲题和媒体-戏剧、脱口秀和运动-催化变化并动员对影响学校的关键问题采取行动。 近二年MySchance-MyScrey社区使用通信工具帮助并增强学生自主拥有学校的能力,为学生在决策过程中发声提供平台,并增强青年与同龄人、管理员、教师和家长建立强力协作学校社区的能力

下图由SBYW11年级学生Tiana Perez提交,

188bet网址怎么打不开Since I've started My School – My Community I've liked it a lot.  We have come a long way since we started in September.  We are trying to change our school's spirit and bring all the grades together.  It is February now and so far we have written a video drama called "How It Is," which was a fun and difficult experience.  It was difficult because we had to get used to working with each other and coming up with new and interesting ideas that make sense.    We have written six episodes, and we will eventually have eight all together.  Writing the episodes was hard because we had to come up with characters, scenarios, etc., but all of us came together and did a great job.      Now we are filming and it's a really fun experience.  We get to become these characters with different personalities.  I think this will benefit our school spirit because all the girls will see the problems happening in our school and hopefully bring us together.  I have learned a lot so far.  I enjoy My School-My Community.

