How JetBlue Helps Children Soar with Reading


最初发表在JetBlue的2018 - 2019年社会影响报告中


为了产生更大的社会影响,2014年,JetBlue委托了童年识字专家Susan Neuman博士正在进行的一项研究在服务不足的社区中每300名儿童。Neuman博士的任务是检查文学的景观是否对我们国家的孩子变得更好或更糟。她的研究表明,这个问题变得更加严重。这项研究分析了华盛顿特区的一个社区Anacostia的扫盲景观,在高贫困地区揭示了“书沙漠”,在夏季,当不参加学校时,每830名儿童只有一本书。这与更富裕的社区的书籍供应相比,每两个孩子都有一本书。从这项研究中,我们得出的结论是,这些书的沙漠不是Anacostia独有的,而是在全国各地的低收入社区中存在。为了回应这些发现,JetBlue采用了一种创新的方法,通过创建有趣而完全免费的图书自动售货机将书籍带到Jetblue网络中服务不足的社区。


$3.75M in books donated through Soar with Reading since 2011

In 2018, Soar with Reading landed in San Francisco and Oakland. In partnership with Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing, JetBlue distributed 100,000 books to kids across the Bay Area. Vending machines were filled with books from award-winning authors and were offered in English, Spanish and Chinese to meet these communities’ specific needs. That summer, we also invited customers, crewmembers and the community to #BookWithUs by voting for their favorite JetBlue city to win $25,000 in children’s books. The winning city also received a reading room makeover for a local community organization.

In 2019, we brought Soar with Reading to our hometown, New York City. Throughout the summer, vending machines were placed in the five boroughs: Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island. Kids and families were encouraged to take as many books as they wanted throughout the summer, free of charge. While the program is focused on encouraging book ownership, libraries are an important community resource and a critical part of our partnership strategy. The Queens Public Library distributed nearly half of all the books donated to the five boroughs, leading to an increase in library foot traffic and a surge of interest in reading across Queens. In 2020, we will bring this award-winning program to our Boston focus city.

First Book

作为我们继续提高有需要儿童书籍的持续任务的一部分,我们与非营利组织合作,First Book. First Book works to remove barriers to quality education by making resources like books, sports equipment and winter coats affordable for programs and schools serving children from low-income communities. Together, JetBlue and First Book work with local communities and schools to donate books during JetBlue inaugural flight events and diversity awareness celebrations like Black History Month and Women’s Heritage Month. Local education groups in select BlueCities benefit from the program by receiving more than 13,000 books that celebrate diverse heroes and themes.

Read the full report here