How Koch Is Giving One Man a Second Chance at His Future

How Koch Is Giving One Man a Second Chance at His Future

Tuesday, May 10, 2022 - 3:40pm



It wasn’t glamorous work for Richard McMichael, but it at least got him outside. It was a welcome change after having already spent nearly four years in prison. Every day as the group moved its way along Kansas State Highway 96, Richard would often look up at one of the only buildings he could see from the road – Koch Industries' headquarters – and watch with fascination as people arrived for the day and entered the building.

“I was so jealous,” Richard said. “I just always wondered what they're going to do in there and what it looked like in there.”



首先,他在酒吧打架后因加重殴打而被捕。然后,为了支付账单 - 包括律师费的账单 - 他转向出售毒品。


Richard said he was not a very good criminal and was eventually caught and charged. He pled guilty. A judge sentenced him to 61 months in prison.


他在监狱生活的单调中感到沮丧和毫无用处,他开始花时间做少数允许的事情之一 - 阅读。理查德(Richard)阅读了很多文章,但其中一篇文章在其余文章之上脱颖而出。当时是科赫工业总法律顾问马克·霍尔顿(Mark Holden)。它列出了刑事司法改革的案子,包括科赫支持第二次机会招聘的支持。

Richard knew only a little about Koch at the time, but the article sparked an insatiable interest.

他阅读了有关业务及其理念的所有内容,基于市场的Management®。他的妈妈会向他发送她可以找到提到科赫的每篇文章。最终,他掌握了查尔斯·科赫(Charles Koch)的书《良好的利润》。


“I got a lot of pushback,” he said. “I don't know how I convinced myself that it was a realistic goal, but I did. I was confident if I tried to apply the principles I was learning from the book, such as Principled Entrepreneurship™ and a continued dedication to learning and improving myself, that I was going to get there.”




With his degree in hand, Richard thought he was finally ready to reach out to Koch, even though he still had about a year left on his sentence.

He wrote several letters. One made its way to John Buckley, who leads Koch’s second chance hiring efforts.

“We want to create opportunities for justice-involved people to be contributing members in our society again,” John said. “We're creating that opportunity through employment.”

One in three Americans has a criminal record. Helping those individuals contribute valuably to society again by removing unnecessary barriers to employment is beneficial for the individual, the business and society, John says.

这就是为什么约翰正在努力帮助全国各地的科赫公司与惩教部门和社区团体(例如诚实的工作)建立关系。188bet网址怎么打不开2021年,科赫还与其他主要雇主合作,组成了第二次机会商业联盟。它旨在帮助主要雇主提供一套工具,人际关系和专业知识,以帮助他们成功雇用和支持具有犯罪记录的人。摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase),通用汽车(General Motors),家得宝和目标等企业都是组织的一部分。

In addition, Koch "banned the box" in 2015, meaning it doesn’t ask applicants about their criminal history, and has worked to encourage other companies to do the same.


“We've all made mistakes, and you don't want somebody to suffer for their entire life because of a mistake they made,” he said. “They paid their dues, and that’s why we call it second chance. If they can demonstrate the virtues, then there's no difference in my mind between them and somebody who has not had any criminal past.”

堪萨斯州惩教部长杰夫·兹穆达(Jeff Zmuda)说,人们常常没有意识到几乎所有被送入监狱的人都会被释放。建立企业与惩教部之间的合作伙伴关系,以帮助消除就业障碍并创造第二次机会,这是为这些人提供成功机会的重要一步。

“Business benefits by having a good worker,” Jeff said. “Communities benefit by having someone that’s less or no threat to the community. Families are reunited. They’re no longer a drain on the tax system. It’s a win-win-win.”


“I was very critical, and he was open to that,” John said. “I think that gave a good sign of his ability to adapt to the culture. He's willing to take criticism and he openly seeks criticism.”





Lynne Baker is Richard’s supervisor now and was a part of the interview team. Because Koch banned the box and removed the requirement for applicants to disclose prior criminal records during the application process, Lynne didn’t know about Richard’s situation before the interview. And even after he told her that he was still in prison during the interview, she didn’t make much of it.



But he was used to overcoming obstacles and was ready to do whatever it would take to achieve his goal.

这意味着大多数日子理查德在早上3:45左右起床,因此他有足够的时间骑自行车,从威奇托(Wichita)工作释放设施,穿过威奇托(Wichita)市区,到达城市边缘的科赫办公大楼(Koch)办公大楼。他的早期开始时间意味着他通常准备在凌晨6点到他的办公桌前 - 在正常办公时间开始之前两个小时。

He's usually one of the first people into the office and the last one to leave.


他说,他在科赫获得的机会允许他在生活中再次重新开始 - 有机会拥有未来。他不再觉得自己对社会的流失。他为自己的工作感到自豪。最重要的是,他说妈妈终于再次开心了。

Richard has only been working full-time at Koch for about six months, but it’s already better than he thought it would be. He hopes to stay working at Koch as long as possible.




“He's a model employee,” John said. “And I think he's a great example for not just folks who are reentering society, but all of our employees.”