
运动: 微软技术好



一个重要和值得注意的转变正在进行中在人们和组织如何使用技术由于强大的广泛可用性,方便,越来越支付得起网络计算设备和主要软件和云服务的进步。188bet上不了这融合创新的硬件、软件和服务正在改变人们如何沟通和互动,分享信息,学习,做业务,把事情做好。188bet上不了最近的世界事件表明,技术民主化前所未有的信息的流通,不仅使个人消费信息,但创建它,分享它和分发。手机和基于云的像Facebook这样的社交网络服务越来越普遍,“对话”现在可以从任何地方开始,或多个点188bet上不了,和旅行世界各地在几分钟内。今天,我们看到了三个“破坏性”技术的转变,可以帮助非营利组织更高效的运作、改善服务,并加强与捐赠者和志愿者的关系:1。广泛获得负担得起的手机制造技术无处不在,这是特别重要的在解决在新兴市场发展需求。2。负担得起的技术的出现正在改变全球经济,扩大全球市场,甚至在偏远地区的人们,使发展中国家能够推动经济增长。3所示。越来越多的个人中心的信息流和知识创造,而不是简单的被动观察者或消费者的信息。 At Microsoft, we are playing a role in each of these areas with a strong commitment to support nonprofits in the adoption and use of these technologies to drive greater efficiency and effectiveness. Keeping up with technology can often feel overwhelming, even to the best-prepared organization. But we also know that ignoring these changes puts nonprofits at a disadvantage. Technology has the potential to transform and invigorate how organizations function internally, how they deliver services, and how they interact with contributors and volunteers. For these reasons, it's important that organizations understand and embrace the opportunities available now and anticipate those that will make sense down the road. I would particularly like to underscore the importance of technology innovation in the nonprofit sector. Although the private sector continues to drive advances in hardware, software, and services, the pace of change and the availability of so many free, affordable, and easy-to-use technology tools means that nonprofits can-and must-act to innovate. Mobile technology and devices are revolutionizing the creation, collection and use of information. In emerging markets, mobile phones are being utilized as a secure mobile wallet, for banking, and for healthcare diagnostic and data collection. We will see this trend continue as more relevant applications are developed-commercially, by university researchers, and by non-profits-for both feature phones and smart phones. Social networking is another amazing opportunity to reach out and engage new audiences. For nonprofits, the ability to share and exchange information in creative and powerful ways can lead to effective community building and increased transparency. Added to this, we are seeing the increased use of technology by non-profits to bring information to life, using video, photos, stories and other data in visually rich and contextually engaging ways. Finally, we are seeing how the creative use of technology is enabling organizations to more effectively connect donors, volunteers and beneficiaries in ways that lead to increases in financial support, volunteer engagement and service delivery. Historically, this has been a time-consuming and difficult task. The challenge is how best to create a dynamic database of opportunities and match that with volunteers' interests, skills, location and availability. At Microsoft, we are working in partnership with a number of organizations to help drive creative solutions around technology innovation, the creative use of mobile devices, increasing connections, and unleashing the power of the people. We have a strong history of supporting the technology needs of nonprofits. In fact, every day Microsoft donates software valued at an average of more than $1 million to nonprofits worldwide, along with help building their capacity to utilize the software effectively. In future blog postings, we will share examples of innovative uses of technology in the three areas discussed above. My hope is that by sharing examples of how other organizations are adapting to the rapid pace of technology changes, nonprofits will feel more comfortable embracing this disruption and harnessing it to reimagine our world. You can download my "Innovative IT" white paper在这里。了解五我们的伙伴组织正在拥抱技术和影响他们的访问www.microsoft.com/citizenship在Twitter上加入全国过渡委员会对话:# 11过渡委员会从NTC跟随我们的微博:Twitter.com/msftcitizenship(@msftcitizenship)在Facebook上连接:Facebook.com/MicrosoftCitizenshipMSFT12427