How Our OneTen Pilot Program Paved the Way for Hiring Diverse Talent

How Our OneTen Pilot Program Paved the Way for Hiring Diverse Talent

under an outdoor tent a group of people mingle
two people taking, seated at a desk across from each other

Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 9:55am



One million jobs in 10 years. It’s a promise Merck and about 50 other leading companies have made to change hiring practices in the U.S. and place skilled Black workers into family-sustaining jobs. Through theOneten联盟和一种新的技能优先招聘方法,我们已经在努力做出良好的努力。

Oneten于2020年12月由董事会执行董事长和默克·肯·弗雷泽(Merck Ken Frazier)的前首席执行官共同创立,他出生于剧变的时代 - 当时黑人生活问题运动和大流行揭示了黑人美国人每天面临的深层差距。对于全国各地的Frazier和其他商业领袖来说,这是一个呼吁。

“This is a moment in time for Americans to move past our divisions to come together and reach our full potential as a nation,” Frazier said. “Through the creation of one million jobs for Black Americans over the next 10 years, OneTen has the potential to address persistent intergenerational gaps in opportunity and wealth.”

Our vaccine manufacturing facility in Durham, North Carolina, became one of two Merck sites to launch OneTen pilot programs in the summer of 2021.

“I think the Durham site has always been considered very forward-thinking and advanced in our diversity and inclusion journey,” said Amanda Taylor, plant manager and associate vice president. “But we can always do more. We need to continue to change and improve and be the light in the darkness for others around us.”



The goal is to create more opportunities for skilled candidates without bachelor’s degrees, including student workers, tradespeople and military veterans.

“OneTen provides an opportunity to create a workforce that mirrors the diverse communities we serve and make a significant long-term impact.”

Ngozi Motilewa



“Almost all of our roles had a four-year degree requirement,” said Vinay Khanna, executive director, supply chain management and the Merck Durham OneTen lead, “so we went back and questioned that.”

The Durham team revamped requirements for positions including support associates, operators and technicians. To date, Durham and West Point have posted more than 400 jobs that do not require a four-year degree.



True to the community spirit of the event, Merck employees volunteered to help run the career fair, meeting with candidates one-on-one to talk about what it’s like to work for the company and walk them through the application process.

“We wanted to help them understand that they have skills that are transferrable and that you don’t have to have a college degree to work at Merck.”

Brittany Anderson

Associate director, operations, and Durham chapter lead of the League of Employees of African Descent (LEAD)



To date, Durham has held two community career fairs and made several new hires, including Shaheera Drummond, a biology major at Winston-Salem University who will graduate this spring.

“This is my first exposure to the pharmaceutical industry, but I think the company is great about finding a position for you,” said Drummond, who started as a technician in January. She said she’s glad Merck is “taking a new approach in offering jobs to those that may not know much about the company and giving them an opportunity to step in and be able to grow.”

首席执行官兼总统罗布·戴维斯(Rob Davis)表示:“公平和包容的劳动力的重要性不能被夸大,通过与Oneten的合作,我们正在言行采取行动。”“我个人致力于确保我们的技能优先焦点在默克公司创造更大的机会,并使黑人人才以及所有的才华在这里取得成功。”

正在努力传播有关全国Oneten计划的消息。五月中旬,弗雷泽(Frazier)加入Oneten首席执行官莫里斯·琼斯(Maurice Jones)在费城举行的启动活动,在那里他们介绍了商业和社区领导者的倡议。188bet网址怎么打不开随着试点阶段的完成,我们公司计划在今年下半年推出技能优先企业。

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