HP Inc.扩大与世界野生动物基金会的森林保护伙伴关系

HP Inc.扩大与世界野生动物基金会的森林保护伙伴关系

由帕特里克·莫尔黑德(Patrick Moorhead)
惠普Packard HP

惠普Packard HP


活动:HP Inc. |气候行动



Industry Stalwart HP Inc.在其古老的台式机,笔记本电脑和打印机上脱颖而出,而且还脱颖而出。环境al sustainability is HP’s bread and butter—the company has been prioritizing earth-friendly products and programs longer than most of its employees have been alive, introducing a recycling program for computer punch cards in 1966. It has become one of the champions of the circular economy movement in the last several years, replacing much of the non-renewables in its product line with recycled paper, plastics and metals.


类别: 环境