Huntsman Publishes UNGC Communication on Progress - 2013

The Communication on Progress is part of an annual sustainability report and fulfills a pledge to the United Nations Global Compact
Oct 6, 2014 10:00 PM ET

When we signed the United Nations Global Compact in 2011, we promised to uphold the UNGC’s Ten Principles and to make steady progress toward aligning our corporate policies and management systems with those principles. We further committed to sharing that progress with the UNGC office through our annual sustainability report.

Our Business Conduct Guidelines articulate our values, particularly as they relate to human rights, fair labor practices, anti-corruption and the environment. They apply to all Huntsman associates, all over the world, and guide our engagements with all our stakeholders – associates, communities, customers and investors.

During 2013 and early 2014, we implemented and expanded our corporate programs concerning human rights and global privacy, and extended a program addressing corruption risk to include Huntsman logistics vendors. More detail is available