渥太华水电的可持续性 - 由先金博宝怎么注册驱者塑造
尽管渥太华水电他们已经成为安大略省第三大市政电力公司的第三大电力公司,他们从未失去与诸如沃伦·索普(Warren Y.188bet网址怎么打不开
艾哈恩(Ahearn)被称为“加拿大爱迪生”(Edison of Canada),是一位多产的发明家,他拥有11项专利,其中一项专利用于电气加热器,另一项专利为电烤箱。Ahearn and Soper left an indelible mark on their community including building the country’s first water-powered electricity generating station at Chaudière Falls in 1882. It is a testament to them and the hundreds who have followed in their footsteps that generating facilities at Chaudière still operate and that Hydro Ottawa continues to reinvent its commitment to renewable generation capacity. They view their environmental determination as a commitment to ensuring the long-term viability and sustainability of their community. In the same spirit, Hydro Ottawa devotes great human energy and corporate commitment to the social fabric of the communities in which they operate.
布莱斯·康拉德(Bryce Conrad)