ICIC发布了分析Covid-19衰退和的最新报告Recovery in the Nation's 100 Largest Metropolitan Areas

ICIC发布了分析Covid-19衰退和的最新报告Recovery in the Nation's 100 Largest Metropolitan Areas

First quarter of 2022 saw strongest job growth at Black-owned businesses

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Thursday, June 16, 2022 - 12:50pm

CONTENT: Press Release

BOSTON, June 16, 2022 /3BL Media/ -Initiative for a Competitive Inner City(ICIC) today published the fourth report in its series analyzing冠状病毒衰退和康复如何影响100个最大的大都市地区的企业和工作.



Among key industries, the construction industry had the fastest job growth in the 100 largest metro areas during the first quarter of2022 (2.6%), followed by accommodation and food services (1.4%) and manufacturing (1.1%). Healthcare employment suffered most (-1.4%), followed by entertainment (-0.8%) and retail (-0.6%).

ICIC说:“广泛的工作收益,尤其是在黑人拥有的企业和建筑行业中,是受欢迎的新闻,并支持对这种研究的持续需求 - 突出了资源不足社区的优势以及挑战。”首席执行官史蒂夫·格罗斯曼(Steve Grossman)。“但是,最小的业务和整体业务损失可能是由于1月份的共同激增,这表明我们还有很远的时间要在经济完全恢复过的情况下。尽管不再向仍在遭受大流行经济影响的企业主和企业家提供牢固的援助对小型企业的全面援助至关重要。”

ICIC’s research tracks changes in the numbers of businesses and jobs for each of the 100 metropolitan areas and provides more specific detail on small, medium-sized, and large businesses; Asian- and Pacific Islander-, Black-, and Hispanic- or Latino-owned businesses; under-resourced communities (heavily populated urban and suburban areas of concentrated poverty and low income) and non-under-resourced communities, and major industries.

该报告附有在线数据dashboardthat can be used to search for customized information on what has happened to jobs or businesses in a specific business category or demographic group for each of the top 100 metros. For each quarter in this four-report series, one of the top 100 metros has been selected for deeper evaluation using data available from the dashboard.

The fourth report in this series focuses on the Salt Lake City metro area which, with a job gain of 3.8% in the first quarter of 2022, had the second-highest job growth rate among the 100 largest metro areas in that quarter. Salt Lake City also was among the top 25 of those metro areas for percentage job gains in its under-resourced communities and its Black-owned and Hispanic- or Latino-owned businesses.


Among the report’s key findings:

  • In the top 100 metro areas as a whole, the number of jobs rose modestly but the number of businesses fell between the fourth quarter of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022. By the first quarter of 2022, the number of jobs was at 92% of its pre-crisis level and the number of businesses was at 82%.
  • In the first quarter of this year, all of the top 100 metro areas still had fewer jobs than at the start of the pandemic. Baton Rouge, LA, had the strongest employment recovery since the pandemic began, with first-quarter 2022 employment at 98% of its second-quarter 2020 level. Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach, FL, had the weakest recovery; in the first quarter of this year, it had only 86% of the jobs it had in the second quarter of 2020.
  • The smallest companies (those with one to four employees) continued to lose jobs while the largest businesses gained jobs. In the first quarter of 2022, businesses with one to four employees had just 73% of the jobs they had at the start of thepandemic, while those with 100 or more employees had 99%.


要下载完整的报告,冠状病毒衰退和康复如何影响100个最大的大都市地区的企业和工作,and access the accompanying data dashboard, visit:https://icic.org/latest-research/.

这项工作由尤因·马里恩·考夫曼基金会(Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation)资助。该报告的内容完全是竞争性内城的倡议的责任。

The Business Dynamics Research Consortium: a project of the University of Wisconsin System, Institute for Business and Entrepreneurship, provided the Your-economy Time Series (YTS) data used for this report.

For more information or to speak with an ICIC subject matter expert, please contact André Ledgister ataledgister@icic.org或者(617) 238-3012

关于Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC)

竞争性内城(ICIC)的倡议是由著名的哈佛商学院教授迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter)于1994年成立的研究和战略组织,如今已被广泛认为是资源不足社区经济体的杰出权威。ICIC通过创新的研究和计划为当地居民创造就业,收入和财富,推动了资源不足社区的包容性经济繁荣。了解更多信息www.icic.org或者@icicorg.


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