





Alyssa Jensen,Hannah Nelson和Nicole Kriewall是来自明尼苏达州罗切斯特的相同的三胞胎姐妹。在卢尔德高中(Lourdes High School)担任三体运动运动员,这三个人都在成为大学垒球运动员的途中。看似健康,运动能力的17岁儿童,他们认为必须关注的最后一件事就是他们的心脏健康。

“I was the first of us to notice it,” Alyssa said. “I would have these incidents where it felt like my heart was literally beating out of my chest. I remember asking my sisters, ‘does this happen to you? Is this normal?’ and they both said, ‘oh yeah, that happens to me too.’”

实际上,这不是正常的。所有三个姐妹最终都被诊断出atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT).AVNRT is one of the most common forms of supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) and causes a very rapid and life-threatening abnormal heart rhythm. Nearly 35% of AVNRT cases occur in pediatric patients and incidence increases with age. This poses a tremendous burden on a patient’s life and can impact cognitive and emotional development.


Luckily for these sisters, their mom, Dawn, a nurse at Mayo Clinic, suspected something was wrong and took the girls to see Dr. Bryan Cannon, a pediatric cardiologist and electrophysiologist (EP) at Mayo Clinic, who diagnosed them with AVNRT.

Recognizing their desire to continue their active lifestyles with as little disruption as possible, Dr. Cannon felt that the appropriate therapy for the triplets was a cardiac cryoablation with the Medtronic Freezor™Xtra心脏冷冻导管。

“I recommended cryoablation for the Nelson sisters because we needed a long-term solution for what could be a short-term problem with the right treatment,” Dr. Cannon said. “I knew how important it was for them to be able to get back to doing what they loved as kids, which was sports. Medtronic cryoablation was the best choice to get them back in the game of life, and softball, as soon as possible.”

最近,美国食品药品监督管理局授予Medtronic扩大对Freezor和Freezor的批准Xtra,现在是联邦儿科* AVNRT批准的唯一消融导管设备。FDA与儿科和先天性电生理学协会(PACES)一起工作,以寻求Medtronic寻求儿科批准,这是该机构的一部分小儿设备访问计划。冷冻和冰柜Xtracatheters were identified as a key FDA priority for pediatrics, expanding the indication to specify the pediatric population, due to their safety profile.

“We’re proud of our work with PACES and FDA in this first-of-its-kind, multi-stakeholder initiative to address a critical patient population,” said Rebecca Seidel, president of the Cardiac Ablation Solutions business, which is part of the Cardiovascular Portfolio at Medtronic. “The shared commitment to collaborate and grow this therapy’s unique position to treat AVNRT patients demonstrates our confidence in the proven safety and efficacy of our cryoablation technology.”

Just how effective is this technology? Ask the Nelsons.

Today, not only do the sisters live full, active lives, but both Nicole and Alyssa now work in healthcare. Nicole is a nurse; she now works on the Mayo Clinic Covid Care Team but started her career in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at Mayo where she worked with Dr. Cannon and his patients.


梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)的经过认证的外科助理Alyssa说,她很高兴与Avnrt分享自己的经验,尤其是与面临类似生命危害生命的疾病的孩子的父母和照顾者。

“Our story is a great example of parents listening to their kids and taking them seriously when they say something feels off,” she said. “Not every kid is willing to say something isn’t right, so the more information and more options that are out there, the easier it will be to provide all kids with a better, healthier life.”



Catheter Ablation for atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia (AVNRT)

Complications, while infrequent, can occur during catheter ablation. Some of the risks include bleeding and bruising where the catheter was inserted, temporary or permanent shortness of breath, infection, temporary or permanent stroke, complications that may lead to hospitalization or potentially death. Your physician can further explain these complications as a part of a comprehensive risk/benefit evaluation, as you consider catheter ablation for your condition.

