Investment from LifeArc, Illumina, and Illumina Ventures will fund genomics startups for Illumina Accelerator Cambridge graduates
Originally published on Illumina News Center
圣地亚哥,2022年6月28日, / 3BL Media / -Illumina,Inc。(NASDAQ:ILMN),是DNA测序和基于阵列技术的全球领导者,宣布其参与时间Boost Capital I LP,3000万英镑的基因组学。专门为从Illumina Accelerator Cambridge毕业的初创企业提供比赛资金的风险基金,目的是提高人类健康的突破。Illumina Accelerator,位于旧金山和剑桥,是公司创建引擎,与企业家合作,以创建基因组初创企业并推进创新应用。Illumina加入了我们和欧洲的一组投资者,其中包括Cornerstone Investor Lifearc。
自2020年7月开业以来,Illumina Accelerator Cambridge已推出了13家专注于利用基因组学应用程序来改善人类健康的初创公司,包括新型治疗,诊断,合成生物学,研究工具和农业。此外,根据Crunchbase的数据,妇女的Illumina加速器剑桥创业公司中约有54%是由女性创立的,相比之下,在2020年,上一年中,只有20%的新创业公司有女性创始人。
"Time Boost Capital Fund will further propel our Illumina Accelerator Cambridge startups and advance our mission to improve human health by unlocking the power of the genome," said Amanda Cashin, PhD, cofounder and global head of Illumina for Startups. "Cambridge is a leading global hub for life science innovation and entrepreneurship, and this dedicated venture fund will attract the most exceptional entrepreneurs from across the globe."
Time Boost Capital来自美国和欧洲投资者的3000万英镑的资本承诺包括来自英国领先的独立医学研究慈善机构Lifearc的1000万英镑承诺,以及来自Illumina Ventures的投资,Illumina Ventures是一项独立基金投资基因组学和精确健康。Time Boost Capital将为每位Illumina Accelerator Cambridge毕业生提供磅重的比赛资金,该毕业生在接受后的18个月内从合格的投资者那里获得500,000至400万英镑的新资本。Time Partners(私人市场投资顾问)专注于长期投资解决方案的私人市场投资顾问Time Partners建议该基金。
"We are proud to partner with Illumina, a global leader in next-generation sequencing technologies," said Mark Florman, CEO of Time Partners Limited. "Illumina is making a significant commitment to supporting new growth in the field through Illumina Accelerator. As an investment advisor to Time Boost Capital, we have the unique opportunity to back some of the most promising new genomics businesses in the world."
During two 6-month funding cycles each year, Illumina Accelerator provides selected startups with access to seed investment, Illumina sequencing systems and reagents, business guidance, genomics expertise, and fully operational lab space adjacent to Illumina's campuses in Cambridge and the San Francisco Bay Area.
"Illumina Accelerator's track record in building breakthrough genomics startups is unparalleled," said Alex Aravanis, MD, PhD, chief technology officer of Illumina. "The partnership with Time Partners to provide match funding to our graduates of Illumina Accelerator Cambridge will further advance innovative genomic discoveries that will benefit people around the world."
Illumina Accelerator Cambridge alumni includeAlchemab Therapeutics Ltd.,,,,a therapeutics company pioneering the next generation of antibody drugs, which successfully raised £60 million in series A funding upon graduation. Another alumni is recent graduateBroken String Biosciences Ltd。,,,,a sequencing tools company focused on assessing the stability of the genome, which secured £3 million in seed funding.
Illumina Accelerator正在接受下一个全球融资周期的申请,该筹款周期将于2022年10月1日到期。通过一个全球应用程序,Illumina Accelerator将在每个位置中最多选择五家公司。要了解更多并申请,请访问。
Illumina For Startups仅专注于通过与领先的风险投资者和企业家合作创建,启动和发展基因组学创业公司,从而为基因组学行业创造创新生态系统。Illumina for Startups倡议包括2014年成立的Illumina Accelerator,以及由Illumina供电的红杉资本中国智能医疗保健基因组学孵化器,成立于2021年。IlluminaAccelerator是一款与Sanfrumina Research and Development and Sanfrumina Research and Developtes的公司创建引擎英国剑桥。自成立以来,Illumina Accelerator已经投资了全球68家基因组初创企业,这些初创公司已汇总了超过10亿美元的风险投资。大约93%的Illumina Accelerator投资已继续从领先的投资者那里筹集额外的资本。有关更多信息,请访问。
Time Partners为世界各地的主要家族企业和机构提供独立的量身定制解决方案,特别着眼于制定和制定可持续的投资策略。我们向寻求建立长期私人市场投资计划和战略建议的投资者提供专业建议,并向寻求公司融资,重组以及具有更广泛目的的投资工具设计解决方案的机构。Time Partners成立于2013年,是一家私人市场投资顾问,结合了最佳建议,创意解决方案和客户的第一哲学。有关更多信息,请访问我们网站。
About LifeArc
LifEarc是一家自资助的医学研究慈善机构。我们的任务是将早期科学的翻译转化为医疗保健治疗或诊断,这些治疗或诊断可用于全面发展并提供给患者。我们已经这样做了25年以上,我们的工作导致了抗生素耐药性和四种许可药物的诊断。我们的成功使我们能够探索刺激和资助翻译的新方法。我们拥有自己的药物发现和诊断开发设施,并得到了技术转移和知识产权专家的支持,这些专家也为其他组织提供服务。188bet上不了我们的模型建立在协作基础上,我们与包括医学研究慈善机构,研究组织,行业和学术科学家在内的各种团体合作。了解有关我们的工作的更多信息www.lifearc.orgor follow us onLinkedInorTwitter。
关于Illumina Ventures
Illumina Ventures is an independently managed, health-care-focused venture firm in a strategic partnership with Illumina. As an early-stage, value-add investor, Illumina Ventures helps entrepreneurs develop breakthrough science and technologies into market-leading companies to transform healthcare. The firm focuses on investment in life science tools, therapeutics, diagnostics, and personal wellness. For more information,。
About Illumina
Illumina is improving human health by unlocking the power of the genome. Our focus on innovation has established us as a global leader in DNA sequencing and array-based technologies, serving customers in the research, clinical, and applied markets. Our products are used for applications in the life sciences, oncology, reproductive health, agriculture, and other emerging segments. To learn more, visitIllumina.comand connect with us onTwitter,,,,Facebook,,,,LinkedIn,,,,Instagram,,,,andYouTube。
Salli Schwartz
阿迪·拉瓦尔(Adi Raval)
US: 202.629.8172