


为什么不在后院呢? 探索新的投资机会的影响在自己的社区188bet网址怎么打不开Cece德林格,资源开发和通信主任Homewise 5月发布的一项新调查由全球影响网络和摩根大通投资提供了明确的证据,令人印象深刻的增长影响投资。调查,作者的第四个年度报告的状态影响投资,查询领先的基金经理,基金会,和发展金融机构在美国和欧洲,并发现他们致力于影响资本投资在2012年和2013年之间增加了10%,和投资的数量增加了20%。受访群体也报道,影响投资承诺106亿美元,2013年计划投资127亿美元在2014年增长19%。而影响投资的受欢迎程度达到了前所未有的高度,实践本身是新的。188bet网址怎么打不开社区投资长期以来一直被认为是三个主要策略之一,形成社会责任投资的基础。什么使它有别于其他两个策略、社会宣传、筛查和股东是它为投资者提供了一种切实的,甚至可见,不同的社区,他们投资。实际上,投资有能188bet网址怎么打不开力改变社区和社区居民的生活。然而,社区投资从未作为社会广188bet网址怎么打不开为流传筛查和股东的支持。各种各样的问题——包括数量有限的投资选择和实践的普遍缺乏公共意识,检查其增长。但这正开始改变。 As impact investing is gaining new popularity, the menu of investment options is growing. Investors today can choose from a variety of market rate and below market rate impact investment options, including cash deposits in community development banks and credit unions, loans to community development loan funds, equity investments in small businesses, microenterprises, community projects, and innovative new products such as social impact bonds and Calvert Foundation Community Investment Notes. One form of impact investing that is drawing the attention of social investors is Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs). CDFIs are specialized financial institutions dedicated to serving the underserved. There are four basic types — loan funds, banks, credit unions, and venture capital funds — but all four have the same basic mission of serving low-income communities that lack access to credit, capital, and financial services from mainstream financial institutions. Read the complete article here -http://bit.ly/XUZNkK= = = = = = =