ImpactAssets记录纪录207定制投资交易价值More Than $200 Million in 2020

ImpactAssets记录纪录207定制投资交易价值More Than $200 Million in 2020

Impact investments filled the capital gap to help fuel solutions to urgent issues, from racial equity to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - 7:00am

CONTENT: Press Release

BETHESDA, Md., April 21, 2021 /3BL Media/ –ImpactAssets,a $1.5 billion impact investing firm, today released 2020 figures showing a record 207Custom Investmentsin private mission-driven businesses, impact funds and nonprofit organizations totaling $203 million. By comparison, the firm made a total of 152 Custom Investments worth $140 million in 2019, and 108 investments totaling $17.34 million in 2018.

ImpactAssets首席执行官Margret Trilli说:“我们看到2020年定制投资活动的非凡增长,这在很大程度上是由19日大流行,经济差异和种族正义的推动力。”“影响投资在解决卫生和经济危机的不平等方面发挥了关键作用,这是通过资金需要创新的,需要在共同测试和治疗中进行创新,并支持PPP或传统慈善事业未达到的小型企业和个人。”


Investments spanned the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), covering all 17 UN SDGs in 2020. SDGs that saw the most significant investment included #03 – Good Health & Wellbeing, #08 – Decent Work & Economic Growth and #10 – Reduced Inequalities.


  • 合作基金I,LLC,一种投资基金通过提供投资资本并将其与公司和/或社会影响者联系起来,为黑人创始人创造增长机会。
  • 1863年风险基金I,L.P。, which seeks to improve the country's economic security and GDP growth, increase community wealth in marginalized communities and mitigate risk for people of color as the future of work becomes questionable for underserved communities.
  • Slauson & Co. Fund I, L.P.,由经验丰富的有色基金经理领导的早期风险基金。该公司的创建是为了将来自代表性不足的背景的才华横溢的创始人与风险生态系统联系起来。
  • 22基金I,LP,其任务是通过有意投资于妇女和BIPOC领导的企业来创造服务不足/低收入和中等收入(LMI)社区的清洁,优质的工作。
  • 狂热基金I,LP,该基金寻求与多样化管理团队合作的机会,以通过投资着重于在低能力体个人和社区中实现公平性来重新构想财富的基础。
  • Raven Indigenous Impact Fund I LP, a fund that focuses on bringing flexible patient capital to invest with innovative, scalable and purpose-driven Indigenous social enterprises in Canada that are at an early-and-growth stage.

Investments also focused on catalytic COVID-19 responses, including cutting-edge molecular diagnostics, biosafety, therapeutics and production of personal protective equipment. Investees includedCULTURINTEL, INC.,IES Life Sciences,Inc。,Epivax Therapeutics, Inc.,NeuroRx, Inc.,Folia Water, Inc., andRymedi, Inc.

“Our clients want to align their philanthropic investments with their values, and we are thrilled to be able to support them with Custom Investments,” said Eric Meissner, Director of ImpactAssets Custom Investments and Business Analytics. “It’s critical that capital moves rapidly and fully into impact investing and these private debt and equity investments are funding entrepreneurs who are finding creative solutions to system-level problems and powering a more equitable future.”

关于 ImpactAssets

ImpactAssets is the leading impact investing partner for individuals, families and philanthropists tackling the world’s greatest challenges by investing in the world’s brightest ideas. We make it easy for our clients to “discover, connect and invest” in game-changing entrepreneurs and funds. Founded in 2010, ImpactAssets increases flows of money to impact investing with our 100% impact investment platform and field-building initiatives, including the IA 50 database of private debt and equity impact fund managers.

The ImpactAssets Donor Advised Fund is an innovative vehicle that empowers donors to increase the impact of their giving by combining it with strategic, sustainable and responsible investing to build a sophisticated philanthropic endowment. The Fund currently has more than $1.5 billion in assets in 1,400 donor advised funds, working with 350 wealth advisors across 60 financial services firms.

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Mo Shafroth,动量通信策略
Phone: 720-470-3653

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