它是什么?PeopleTowels。PeopleTowels是可重用的,个人有机棉毛巾。一个简单的解决方案与大影响。股票价值:一个新的联合研究伦敦和哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)的显示,在可见的企业社会责任战略提升一个公司的股票价格。金博宝手机版网页据《华盛顿邮报》报道,金博宝手机版网页企业社会责任提高你的股票价值——官方!”,现在公司的企业社会责任战略金博宝手机版网页视为价值创造活动,促使分析师推荐他们更频繁,导致后续上涨股票的价值。基本上,企业社会责任策金博宝手机版网页略可以提供股票价格提高,和更多可见的策略更大的提高。”The fact is businesses with a demonstrated effort to reduce risk have a higher probability of a stable future. PeopleTowels is a visible solution demonstrating corporate values. Employee Engagement: Sustainability is a key consideration in attracting and retaining employees. Similar to the corporate efforts of providing employees with reusable coffee mugs, water bottles, and totes, People Towels is a similar step - a means to engage employees, tie the corporate sustainability plan to a personalize, local level, while simultaneously reducing costs (paper, water) and environmental impacts. According to the Society for Human Resources Management’s (SHRM) 2007 Green Workplace Survey, 61% of employees whose organization participated in environmentally friendly practices reported that they are “very likely” or “likely” to stay with their current organization because of their organization’s environmentally responsible program. In addition, 36% reported improved employee morale and employees reported strong public image (67%) as the top positive outcome of environmentally responsible programs for organizations. The short version: tying corporate sustainability initiatives to day to day processes makes CSR more personable to an employee and helps employees to identify their role in corporate responsibility.点击这里继续阅读 。地球上三分之一的树木,针叶林是最大的陆地生物圈和环绕全球。其巨大的氧气生产从字面上改变了大气和刷新。正是这种不断更新,形成了针叶林公司的愿景推动类似的商业世界的变化。泰加林公司您的业务寻求成为“氧气”。