


SAN ANTONIO, May 19, 2022 /3BL Media/ - With the nation’s largest federal investment in water underway in the form of the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, water quality and water conservation solutions took center stage last week at the biennial Emerging Water Technology Symposium (EWTS).

由水效率联盟(AWE),美国水暖工程师协会(ASPE),国际水暖与机械官员协会(IAPMO)和桑托尼奥的水暖制造商国际(PMI)共同召开的协会the nation’s most pressing water challenges such as drought, Legionella and other waterborne illnesses, and the quality of the water and sanitation systems in underserved communities.


Water.org高级运营总监Don Johnston在远程发表其主题演讲时,谈到了全球水和卫生危机对低收入家庭的影响 - 他还分享了一些潜在的解决方案。他说:“在大约19年的时间里,我们看到水和卫生通道通过超过1000万个微观人群吸引了超过4500万人,向家庭支付了37亿美元。”

IAPMO倡导与研究的执行副总裁皮特·德马科(Pete DeMarco)在他的开幕词中指出了许多成就,其中EWTS已成为跳板,包括开发IAPMO水需求计算器,它更新了几乎世纪的旧方法,用于调整尺寸的水暖尺寸。系统以及水效率和卫生标准(我们•立场),除了现有的管道守则以加速使用水回收技术外,水压力社区还可以采用。


The two-day symposium also included the following:

  • 淡化。圣安东尼奥水系统(SAWS)总裁兼首席执行官Robert Puente的主旨发言人罗伯特·普恩特(Robert Puente)描述了他的实用性如何在其历史上达到最高的债券评级,同时建造了全国最大的海水淡化工厂之一。普恩特(Puente)讨论了如何为四个县的200万客户提供服务,使用高级计量部署,“智能”人孔盖和保护。
  • Sewer capacity。Phillip White, manager of plumbing and mechanical inspections for the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, shared how his city addressed the problem of insufficient sewer capacity when it came to capturing large amounts of rainfall through water reuse technologies. One development, the Oakridge Centre, utilized the IAPMO Water Demand Calculator and is expected to have the largest non-potable water system in North America.
  • 缓解军团。特殊病原体实验室执行副总裁/创始人珍妮特·斯托特(Janet Stout)博士研究了用于减轻使用点和进入建筑水系统中军团菌病风险的方法和产品。改进的水管理需要知识渊博的军团菌预防和水服务提供商,这些提供者可以从ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI 12080进行认证,用于军团水安全和管理人员。

PMI CEO Kerry Stackpole observed that wildfires, flooding and drought that different regions of the United States are experiencing put the plumbing industry front and center on solutions.

“Your active engagement here, in your communities back home, and in the marketplace of ideas, where we will have opportunities to share ideas with one another, will make all the difference,” he said. “You actually are able to turn the dial on this, and I think that’s really exciting.”


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