

insights dashboard

2022年8月10日,星期三 - 上午8:45

活动:救灾 /敏捷的社会影响



为您的公司准备下一次危机做好准备的最佳方法是将救灾救济纳入您的整体企业社会责任策略。金博宝手机版网页虽然您不能总是预测下一次危机何时或何时爆发,但您可以确保制定计划和技术来推动最大影响。Consider programs you may already have and how they can be scaled or adapted quickly to help those affected by a crisis. Here are a few suggestions:

1.个人捐赠:Consider offering more flexible forms of giving to increase employee participation.Credit card donationsare a great way to make it easy and convenient for employees to give, and the option to remove nonprofit matching gift approvals is available.

2. Matching Programs:为员工捐款提供了一项美元的美元匹配计划,以增加影响的一倍,并帮助更多受危机影响的人。

3. Recurring Giving:启用自动,反复出现为您的员工提供。尽管灾难引起了我们的关注,但恢复工作通常需要数年,并且在最初的贡献耗尽后很长时间。

4.合作伙伴NPO:When a crisis happens, feature your NPO partners on your CSR platform who need support, donations, or supplies. The increased visibility is sure to encourage participation from your workforce!

5. Employee Assistance Program (EAP):很容易忘记,新兴危机可能会影响您自己的危机。建立员工援助计划(EAP)允许您的员工在需要时要求帮助。

Optimize Your Program With Insights

You’ve come up with a disaster relief plan, implemented a program to support affected communities, and rallied your workforce behind the cause, so what now?整个广告系列的数据分析是衡量计划成功并跟踪其影响的关键。You’ll also be able to understand best practices and considerations for future campaigns.

We know that while data analysis is crucial to your campaign’s success, it's easier said than done. Building reports that tell your impact story can be time-consuming and are often limited to information you already know.网络Insightsallows you to organize, optimize, adapt, and enable giving programs faster than ever before with a hands-on approach to understanding and exploring your data. And it enables real-time decision-making and rapid response time whenever emerging needs arise. Here’s how:

1. Reduce Your Administrative Burden:Shorten the time spent on report configuration and manual manipulation with at-a-glance monitoring of throughput by status, region, focus area, dollar amount threshold, and more.

2. Take Control of Compliance:衡量和跟踪合规性和资金指标(即公平资金),包括赠款,员工捐赠和志愿服务,都在一个地方。

3.讲述您的影响故事:Uncover insights and share them in a way that provides deeper context for the support generated.


5.增强您的数据:Utilize census and demographic data to align matching gift and grant program spend with strategic initiatives, identify emerging trends, and understand deviations quickly for immediate action.


  • 使用将与您的救灾活动保持一致的关键字,过滤一套特定的名称。
  • Set a default date range to only capture activity that has occurred during your specific campaign.
  • 快速根据竞选期间根据捐助者活动来快速确定顶级的社会良好组织。
  • Easily identify the total amount of donors, the total amount donated or matched, and the average gift amount per employee.
  • Easily see data specific to Disaster Relief by program, cause, NTEE category, employee location, or organization location.

But don’t just take our word for it! Some of our incredible Impact Makers have already witnessed how Insights can transform a disaster relief campaign. Take a look!

CVS Health对乌克兰危机的快速反应

2022年2月24日,星期四,俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的消息传出。俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)发起了他所谓的“特殊军事行动”,旨在非军事乌克兰。结果,为了安全起见,平民被迫逃离家园并越过邻国。The UN reportsthat more than six million people have left Ukraine to take refuge in Poland, Romania, Hungary, Moldova, Slovakia, and Belarus. The invasion of Ukraine and the resulting refugee crisis left individuals and corporations alike grappling with how to help.

In collaboration with CyberGrants through their employee giving portal, a disaster relief dashboard was quickly activated to communicate philanthropic efforts to colleagues and offer a match of colleague donations from theCVS健康基金会for emergency medical support, including:

  • $100,000 to the American Red Cross to support emergency services for military families, evacuation support for U.S. Citizens, and humanitarian aid to the citizens of Ukraine and neighboring countries.
  • 50,000美元,以指导救济,以支持逃离暴力和破坏的难民以及对药品,医疗产品和心理健康服务的捐款,以使乌克兰的公立医院和诊所受益。188bet上不了
  • Up to $50,000 in colleague matching donations to support either the American Red Cross or Direct Relief for donations made through the end of March.

在竞选活动的前24小时内,CVS Health超出了其同事的匹配目标50,000美元,并能够兑现他们的承诺,以支持受到关键紧急服务的受影响社区。188bet上不了By leveraging their dashboards within Insights, CVS Health was able to get a closer look into campaign specifics and better understand colleague participation. After launching their Ukraine response efforts through internal communications, there was a significant increase in the volume and frequency of colleagues leveraging the portal. Nearly 40% (39.5%) of participating colleagues were doing so for the first time, proving that quickly implementing a timely program can increase engagement and participation rates.

With Insights, CVS Health is able to leverage data points across its employee giving platform, beyond donation amounts, and better understand how their colleagues want to give and what causes matter most to them. These key insights will be instrumental in future campaigns and lead to even more engaged colleagues and, in turn, even greater impact.

我们赞扬CVS Health及其同事对乌克兰新兴冲突的迅速反应以及他们对支持受影响社区的奉献精神。感谢您坚定地致力于推动最大的社会影响。

迅速回应灾难或危机似乎令人生畏,但这并不是您必须独自解决的任务。通过利用敏捷金博宝手机版网页CSR技术, you’ll be able to rally your team, respond to urgent needs, and drive maximum social impact. Ready to take your Disaster Relief Programs to the next level?Download our188bet网址怎么打不开社区救济影响剧本立即联系网络.

View original content here.

类别: 创新与技术