


全球媒体影响赋予社区激发持久的改变通过使用创造性的故事。InMobi与媒体合作的影响提供移动技术构建Entertainment-Education程序,增加组织的达成和履行使命目标社区,社区的主要来源通常是移动设备的信息。第一次合作是我的岛,我的社区,促进可持续发展和韧性在12个加勒比海国家208集的广播188bet网址怎么打不开剧,Callaloo,互补的热线节目两年。组织也将加入红组织和艺术家安吉丽Kidjo推出肥皂、歌曲和手机今年晚些时候。肥皂、歌曲和手机,将使用多媒体为妇女在利比里亚和社区应对针对妇女的暴力行为。未来社区项目目188bet网址怎么打不开标保护加纳海岸在秘鲁和计划生育问题。“基于我们的仔细研究,Callaloo是一个加勒比海国家人民的真实写照。每个字符都设计为代表的12个国家的价值观和文化,“Alleyne瑞吉斯说,项目经理,媒体的影响。“我们是感激的努力InMobi携带这样的移动设备上的重要信息在加勒比地区;现在显然是获得可靠信息的主要方式,促进项目。” InMobi will run mobile advertising messages during Callaloo, the regional radio drama produced as part of My Island – My Community, to Caribbean media inventory to engage the show’s audience and spread messages about conservation and climate change. InMobi will create Caribbean audience engagement through three levels of mobile messaging: 1. Generate awareness for the radio show during the first four to six weeks; 2. Give users the ability to call a phone number to put them in contact with Media Impact local partner organizations, and 3. Capture leads (users who click on links) and send them regular update messages. In support of Soaps, Songs and Mobiles in Liberia, InMobi will provide mobile advertising support in Africa and co-organize two fundraising events – one in New York City and one in Silicon Valley – in Q3 2011. 100% of the proceeds of the events will contribute to the program and the gatherings will focus on the intersection of the arts and mobile technology for social change. Dates and locations of the fundraising events will be announced in the coming weeks. Commenting on the program, James Lamberti, VP Global Research & Marketing at InMobi, says: "InMobi is truly passionate about the positive social change mobile technology will bring to the world. We are proud to partner with Media Impact to use our mobile advertising technology to promote goodwill and understanding through educational entertainment programs." About PCI-Media ImpactPCI-Media影响(媒体影响)使全球社区激发持久的改变通过创造性的故事。媒体的影响是一个娱乐,教育和社会变革通信的领导者。25年来,我们一直在与当地合作伙伴生产程序,解决最紧迫的社会和环境问题。使用我们独特的社区社会变革的通信方法,我188bet网址怎么打不开们参与并授权给世界各地的观众来改善自己的生活。与当地合作伙伴,我们有生产100多3000集的电视和电台制作。在一起,这些项目已经达到了34个国家超过10亿人。关于InMobi InMobi是世界上最大的独立移动广告网络。与办公室在四大洲我们提供广告商,出版商和开发者提供一个独特的全球广告解决方案。我们的网络是快速增长,我们现在提供前所未有的能力达到2.2亿消费者,在125多个国家,通过每月超过319亿手机广告的印象。我们最近被选为2010年AlwaysOn全球250强公司在硅谷看。 InMobi is venture-backed with marquee investors including: Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers and Sherpalo Ventures. The company has offices in London, San Francisco, Bangalore, Tokyo, and Singapore. To learn more, please在Twitter上,跟着我们@InMobi阅读我们的博客