Innovating for Growth: How Digital Platforms Are Transforming Small Business Support
Innovating for Growth: How Digital Platforms Are Transforming Small Business Support
When Kelsie Kay Haskell decided to open a coffee shop on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in South Dakota, she knew she would need funding. Like many small business owners, Haskell had neither personal wealth nor access to affordable loans. She worried that big banks wouldn’t give her loan application serious consideration.
公平地获得负担得起的营运资金是major barrier for all small businesses, more than half of whom cannot obtain sufficient funding to meet their needs. Yet the issue is even greater among Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) entrepreneurs, whoreceive$30,000 less in financing and pay steeper interest rates than their white counterparts.
幸运的是,Haskell能够阻止趋势并发起梦想的业务-Kelsie Kay的Coffee Depot。她在借助Four Bands Community Fund,一家本地社区发展金融188bet网址怎么打不开机构(CDFI)。全国四个乐队和CDFI对于缩小小型企业的资金差距至关重要。他们是任务驱动的贷方,他们为服务不足社区的企业家提供负担得起的资本和业务发展服务。188bet上不了关注低收入和中等收入社区的关注和接近性使CDFI为受风险最大,受到经济和健康冲击影响最大的企业家提供服务。对于四个乐队来说,这涉及帮助企业发展和发展弹性,以导航企业家的起伏。
“It was the working capital I needed to get started,” Haskell says.
As part of our commitment to supporting more small businesses like Haskell’s, the万事达卡中心包容性增长中心(The Center) teamed up withCommunity Reinvestment Fund, USA(CRF)是国家非营利性CDFI,其使命是通过创新的金融解决方案改善生活并加强社区。CRF与CDFI和业务支持组织网络合作,使用技术创新来扩大对负担得起的资本的访问,以实现系统性影响。
One of those partnerships was with the Plains Regional CDFI Coalition, including Four Bands, to connect Native-owned small businesses to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and bolster their access to vital capital.
Speed and scale loan processing
Getting government aid during COVID was especially tough for BIPOC-owned businesses. Though 86% of Black-owned businesses reported sales declines, nearly half of those businesses that applied forPPP资金被拒绝贷款. And big banks have further tightened lending requirements.
Haskell worked with Four Bands and CRF to secure $4,200 in PPP funding to cover staff wages and hire additional workers to pivot to curbside service. The CDFI also covered her rent, allowing her to continue operating the coffee shop and providing “much peace of mind,” during an uncertain time, she says.
CRF开发了SPARKplatform to digitalize the end-to-end lending process for U.S. Small Business Administration and small business loans by mission-driven lenders, enabling lenders to quickly deploy PPP loans to small businesses during the pandemic. The platform is transforming the lending landscape for community financial institutions and banks by eliminating manual tasks, increasing automation and simplifying the entire loan process from origination to repayment.
SPARK demonstrated its capabilities during the COVID crisis and deployment of PPP which was pivotal because it streamlined the application process and cut loan origination times in half. The Center made a fortuitous and strategic investment in SPARK immediately before the pandemic to build its core capacity. This positioned the platform to scale lending exponentially from $1 billion during the six-year period of 2014-2019 to more than $6 billion in 2020, driven by PPP lending via CRF’s network of community lenders.
Expand the marketplace for affordable small business capital
But before a CDFI can process a small business loan, business owners need to find them.
That’s why CRF builtConnect2Capital, a growing digital lending marketplace that enables small businesses to connect to more than 90 mission-driven lenders across the U.S. that provide a range of affordable lending products and services that meet the various needs of growing small businesses in low-income communities.
The platform aims to provide a responsible alternative to高利益小企业贷款可从一些在线贷方获得。
Through the platform, small businesses can easily apply and get matched with an appropriate CDFI loan product within two minutes. CDFIs also save on costs to acquire new, pre-qualified loan applicants.
CRF has leveraged the platform to connect small businesses to local and regional small business resiliency programs throughout the country. In 2021, these programs deployed more than $145 million in loan capital in 13 states, with a majority of the loans going to diverse small businesses.
Equipping small businesses with better business intelligence
有一个流行的拉科塔短语,四个乐队用来描述夏安河苏族保留地。该术语是“伊卡亚·伍登(Icahya Woecun)”,这意味着一个成长的地方。这一增长的一部分将源于四个乐队如何采用变革性的数字工具来满足服务不足的小型企业的需求。毕竟,当小型企业蓬勃发展时,当地的社区和经济也是如此。
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