The Institute for Sustainable Communities and Tides Foundation Establish Climate Justice Fund

The new grant from Wells Fargo will build and improve energy equity in historically divested communities.
Feb 21, 2023 12:15 PM ET

WASHINGTON, February 21, 2023 /3BL Media/ - The Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC), the Tides Foundation and Wells Fargo are coming together to launch a climate justice fund to create more equitable access to clean and affordable energy and improve climate resiliency in historically excluded and divested communities.

ISC将发起一项新的计划 - “拆除有色社区中的能源不平等”(DEICC) - 通过建立的基金,扩大了该组织对有色社区的能源不平等的关注,并从Wells Fargo Foundation获得了285万美元的赠款。为了确保慈善资源到达社区,ISC是Tides Foundation和Wells Fargo提供的资源的合作伙伴和中介。

ISC美国计划主任索尼亚·乔希(Sonia Joshi)表示:“解决气候不平等的最具变革性和可持续性的解决方案是由最了解社区的当地领导人开发和领导的。”188bet网址怎么打不开“通常缺少的是技术能力/支持和财务资源,以从想法到行动。”

ISC will create a national cohort across 10 U.S. cities, uplifting the knowledge and expertise of Black-, Brown- and Indigenous-led community-based organizations to develop weather-resilient, solar-powered community centers, known as resilience hubs. These resilience hubs will serve as gathering places for community members in times of joy - with support through educational and social programs - and in times of climate crisis, including flooding, and power outages, as cooling centers in the summer and heat shelters in the winter.

The organizations and locations that will be represented within the DEICC project are:

"Wells Fargo is committed to building community resilience and addressing the impacts of climate change, particularly in underserved communities," said Robyn Luhning, chief sustainability officer at Wells Fargo. "Funding this community-led effort from the Tides Foundation and the Institute for Sustainable Communities is part of our work to support the transition to a resilient, equitable and sustainable economy."

Partner organizations in this initiative will become part of the ISC's National Climate Leaders of Color Network and engage in technical assistance and peer learning opportunities at local, regional, topical, and national levels.

About ISC
可持续社区研究所成立于1991年,为世界各地的社区提供支持,以应对环境,经济和社会挑战。我们通过确保自下而上的公平解决方案来释放人们改变社区的力量。我们通过共享全球最佳实践和经验,提供技术专长和培训,加强本地领导者,组织和机构来激发创造性的解决方案和持久的变化。有关可持续社区研究所的更多信息,请访问,或在Twitter @sustainablecomm上关注我们

About Tides Foundation
Tides is a philanthropic partner and nonprofit accelerator dedicated to building a world of shared prosperity and social justice. Tides works at the nexus of funders and changemakers, developing innovative solutions that enhance philanthropic giving and grantmaking, impact investing, fiscal sponsorship, collaborative workspaces, and policy initiatives. Applying our equity-centered lens, we work closely with our partners to shift power to BIPOC leaders, their organizations, and those who face systemic barriers to power.

Breanna Edwards | (802) 234-1145