Introducing the Initiative Empowering Students to Be Vape Free
Introducing the Initiative Empowering Students to Be Vape Free
电子烟中含有尼古丁,这是烟草中相同的高度上瘾的化学物质,这是青年使用中的峰值既关注又持续的原因。尝试尼古丁的“选择”可以迅速变成严重的终生成瘾。vape的年轻人开始抽烟的可能性要高四倍,这一事实并未在投资数十亿美元用于烟产品的大型烟草公司中丢失。由于许多成年人本身缺乏相关的信息和生活经历,因为它是一个真正的“游戏规则改变者” - 我们如何确保学生了解烟的后果,并有权抵制压力和诱惑的开始?
You may be part of an administration that has had to develop new policies to address youth vaping or perhaps you’ve even heard the personal struggles of students attempting to quit. These experiences are heart-wrenching and students clearly need support in order to stand up to peer pressure and fully understand and appreciate the health risks and other consequences involved.Discovery Education最近与抓住全球基础和CVS Health Foundation发起一项倡议,以帮助应对这场危机。这无vape倡议为全国的教育工作者,父母和社区提供免费的预防资源,使学生能够无vape。
喘口气includes the combination of education and skills development needed to combat the vaping crisis. Students learn about the toxic chemicals found in e-cigarettes, the deceptive tobacco marketing tactics, how legislation affects smoking rates, and they develop and practice refusal skills and exit strategies that apply to real-life social situations. With your help, and by incorporating these resources into daily classroom curriculum, we can empower students to be the first vape-free generation.
在全国范围内,教育工作者,行政部门和父母可以访问免费vape。该计划目前为教育工作者提供教学五年级的教室资源,并包括一个父母和社区工具包,其中包括PowerPoint演示文稿,可以在父母之夜,PTA活动,返回学校之夜或其他社区活动中使用。188bet网址怎么打不开您可以通过注册以访问核心课程捆绑,并在课堂上使用两个补充的课程捆绑包来加入Be Be Fie Mission。中学和高中的其他资源以及父母今年将推出,尽管现在可以访问我的6至12年级的呼吸。