


詹妮弗·莫尔纳(Jennifer Molnar)

Scott Lemmons



活动:道琼斯地球日 - 投资我们的星球



在2020年,陶氏和自然保护协会再次汇聚在一起,问一个重要的问题:下一步是什么?我们如何继续发展我们的工作超出2025年自然目标?我们一起开始研究生物多样性及其是重视自然的关键部分。现在,使用一些相同的经过验证的方法来推动我们在评估自然方面的工作,我们正在开发科学可信的工具和策略,以评估生物多样性并投资于有助于恢复和保护关键流域的项目。研究陶道的优先区域,例如水,碳和生物多样性,我们确定了美国墨西哥湾沿岸和密西西比河流域对我们的努力至关重要,我们正在与自然保护协会合作在该地区的特定项目上,例如湖泊,例如路易斯安那州的Leven Restoration项目。

最近,我们与自然保护协会可持续发展科学中心董事总经理兼首席科学家珍妮弗·莫尔纳尔(Jennifer Molnar)进行了交谈,她对企业如何更好地管理和说明生物多样性的想法。金博宝怎么注册我们还与两位科学家 - 密西西比州,自然保护协会的淡水计划主任斯科特·莱蒙斯(Scott Lemmons)和路易斯安那州淡水与海洋科学主任布莱恩·普亚扎(Bryan Piazza),自然保护协会(The Nature Consercy) -。



詹妮弗:Biodiversity is a characteristic of nature that describes the diversity of species and habitats on Earth. Biodiversity is critical and underlies nature’s ability to function – and to support each of us. Whether it is the clean water we drink or the trees that clean our air, there are so many ways people – and our economy – depend on nature.

Biodiversity seems to be emerging as an area for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) focus. Why now? How does the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) play into this?

詹妮弗:There has been growing awareness of the severity of the biodiversity crisis – and its impact on not only the health of nature but also our economy. Arecent WEF report据估计,世界上一半以上的经济产出高度或中度取决于自然。即便如此,这些联系也无法被企业认识到。

Dow完成的早期工作其他人则展示了自然在企业中的相关性,以及可以将其带入决策的方式。因此,现在不仅在公众以及投资者和监管机构之间越来越多地意识到公司可以为生物多样性做更多的事情,而且还可以就应该采取的措施做出共同的方法。这俩基于科学的自然目标(SBTN)和与自然有关的财务披露工作队(TNFD) are in the process of developing frameworks that will provide consistent guidance on how to set targets, report on progress, and disclose risks to investors related to nature. This structured approach is essential because it will provide both transparency and consistency across company actions and allow for more shared learnings between companies.

How can a business better understand both the impacts it has on biodiversity and the ways in which it relies on it? Where should a business start?

詹妮弗:While still in development, both SBTN and TNFD have released draft guidance. Each suggests doing an initial materiality or risk assessment to understand where a business and its value chain intersect with nature. This type of analysis can help point to no-regrets actions to reduce negative impacts on biodiversity or invest in improving it. This foundational work will set a company up to be ready for when the final guidance documents are available in about a year, but it is important to start the work now.

What are the challenges in measuring biodiversity and its changes?




How is the collaboration between Dow and The Nature Conservancy evolving? What approaches have you found to be successful and continue to carry forward?

詹妮弗:早在2005年,陶氏和其他公司都注意到千年生态系统评估found that ecosystem degradation around the world led to a 60% reduction in the benefits they provide to people and our economy. This started Dow on the path to investigate the role of nature within its business, including through its collaboration with us at The Nature Conservancy, leading to the development of tangible tools and processes to start to better integrate nature into Dow’s business decisions.

我们一起完成的所有工作 - 道沃的重视自然目标 - 都包括生物多样性作为考虑因素,但这并不总是是重点。但是现在,仔细研究道琼斯工具如何进一步减少对自然的影响,团队可以利用可用的新数据和工具,同时还可以利用其将自然融入决策的经验。


How is sustainable land management related to biodiversity? Why is it important to restore and preserve lands?



布莱恩:In Louisiana, The Nature Conservancy has identified the Atchafalaya Basin as one of the state’s most important habitats. And now, working with landowners and other partners, we’re looking to protect this unique landscape. The Atchafalaya Basin is the largest intact floodplain left in the Mississippi River Basin (nearly 1 million acres). It contains about 850,000 acres of forest – which represents the largest block of floodplain forest remaining in the Lower Mississippi River Basin. Within those forests, there are 200,000 acres of bald cypress swamps – it’s the largest block of coastal bald cypress forest left in the United States. The preserve also protects 150,000 acres of the only actively building coastal delta system in the Gulf of Mexico. In terms of biodiversity, it’s home to over 100 species of fish and crustaceans, more than 250 species of resident and migrant birds, and two Audubon-important bird areas, meaning it is an important habitat for birds, both continentally and globally.

该盆地(有时被称为“密西西比河的肾脏”)也是去除氮和肥料径流的重要栖息地,否则这些阶层将进入墨西哥湾。该地区是一个关键的洪水控制盆地,可保护巴吞鲁日等地区免受洪水的影响,通常被称为“ Cajun文化的心跳”。




斯科特:陶氏帮助资助的项目是莱文(Loch Leven)。Leven Loch Leven是密西西比河沿线6,000英亩的洪泛区重新连接项目。自1800年代以来,这个洪泛区已被堤防切断。自然保护协会的努力旨在重新引入密西西比河返回景观。我们已经安装了具有废物级管理能力的大型水控制结构。该装置的好处包括恢复到底层硬木森林湿地的水文学,鱼通道和浅水源机会,以及改善迁徙鸟类和野生动植物的栖息地。6,000英亩的洪水储存能力还有助于减少洪水风险,通过沉积物和减少营养的水质改善水质,以及用于地下水含水层补给的手段。该项目是陶氏(Dow)和邻近社区等企业的胜利,因为尼斯湖(Leven Leven)为河上的下游资产提供了洪水保护。这也是生物多样性的胜利。在2022年,我们计划使用生态系统服务识别和库188bet上不了存(ESII)工具developed as part of the collaboration between Dow and The Nature Conservancy to quantity the benefits associated with Loch Leven.



布莱恩:Businesses are made of people who live in local communities at risk of climate change, and businesses also have physical assets that are vulnerable to these same climate risks. The more that we can use nature to help us address some of these climate challenges, the better off we will all be. By working with the private sector, we can unlock critical financing and utilize the experience of businesses to solve these problems together.

类别: 环境